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      "Okay, I freeze it" Cancer pointed at the glass of water on the table. "Then you melt it, got it?"

Aries grinned and gave a quick nod.

I was reading the book Corvus gave to us while watching them train.
It was 11:34am and Corvus was nowhere to be seen so we decided to train ourselves.

I wasn't really going anywhere with flying, just lifted off the ground a couple times and my butt hurts from falling all the time.
Turns out flying isn't that easy.

I looked at Cancer and Aries before looking back at my book.

"Hey Virgo" Taurus called taking the book out of my hand. "Let's try flying again, this last time"

I scoffed taking my book back.

"Don't worry I brought cushions this time" she smiled as she gave me a thumbs up.

"Fine" I agreed getting up.

"I was thinking about talking to that Capricorn guy about his powers, should I?" Taurus asked as we walked  outside.

"I think its best we leave him alone, doesn't really seems like he wants to talk" I sighed.

We got to the training court just to see Aquarius and Gemini fighting, nothing new, and Libra who was trying to make his portal bigger,
So far only a hand can fit through.

"What happened now?" Taurus asked shaking her head.

"Gemini shape shifted into me and told Sagittarius that I'm crushing on him" Aquarius ranted as she stopped pacing around.

urgh the misery!!! I forgot Gemini was the best so far in controlling his power.
He could shape shift easily but can't last long.

"Gemini how could you?" I asked with a farrowed brow. "That's just wrong"

He gave his silly laugh. " I don't know, I just thought it'd be fun" Gemini shrugged. "And turns out it was"

This dude!!.


    Cancer and I made a great team, he'd freeze I'd unfreeze.
It was very exciting knowing I have powers but I kinda do miss my old life too, but oh well!!.

My thought was disrupted when I heard Leo scream.
Cancer and I ran to the general direction where it came from.

"What now?" Cancer demanded pinching his nose.

I looked at Leo frustrated face and then traced what she was looking at.

''Oh no" I cried knowing the commotion that was about to happen.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SAGITTARIUS?" Leo boomed as she could finally move.

"Leo, I think its best if we handled this" I said trying to calm her down and Cancer slowly walked away. "Cause we don't want anybody dead"

"Dead?" Leo asked in a surprisingly calm tone. "I won't go that easy on him"

I chuckled a bit but immediately composed myself.

"I'm sure its something that can be settle, right Cancer?" I asked but noticed Cancer was long gone. "Cancer?"

"There he is" Leo pointed as I turned to see Sagittarius hiding.
Leo immediately lifted her hand in attempt to create a sonic wave when Cancer froze her.

"Dude why?" I jeered gawking at Cancer.

"Leo's sonic wave is very unstable and she's super angry right now, she could've kill him" he explained.

I turned to Sagittarius who was still very frightened, Cancer just saved his ass. ''Why would you break Leo's mirror? " I queried. "We're all in big trouble now"

"It was an accident I didn't mean to, I was only joking" Sagittarius tried to explain but Cancer interjected.

"We just need Corvus to give us a new mirror"

"That's a good idea"  I agreed. "But Corvus said never to come up to his room". I wore a pout.

"We just need to be slick" Sagittarius gave a grin that I wanted to smack out of his face, considering the trouble he had us in.

"Or invisible" Cancer said.


   I was just going up to my room when I saw The mirror character frozen.

"Its not what its looks like" Aries said not that I really cared what was happening.

I shrugged and continued walking when Aries followed behind.
I pretended not to know and kept on walking, but she didn't stop.

I was about to open my door when I grew tired of it. "I'm not going to pretend that you ain't there" I signed.

"Oh hi Cap"

"Capricorn" I corrected as I turned to her. "what do you want?"

"Uh. . .I uh want" she faltered before speaking up. "I need your help sneaking into Corvus's room"

I reached for the door knob and opened the door. "Sorry, I'm not chaotic like you and your little band of delinquents" I said before going in.

I locked the door but could still here her banging on the door. "I said no, so leave" I ranted as I opened the door.

But she didn't go away.
I opened the door again. "Please?" She said with a very worried expression.

What have they done now?
I was about to close the door again but hesitated. "What do you want in his room?"

"Yeah, thank you" she cheered giving me a hug.

"I haven't accepted yet" I said pulling her off me.

"Oh yeah, we need help getting a mirror for Leo, Sagittarius kinda broke her old one, and she can't stay frozen for long" she explained sweeping her curly hair.

"Good, she should learn how to stay without a mirror"

"C'mon Cap. . .ricorn Please?"

"What's in it for me, I can't risk it, cause I can't turn invisible for long" I bargained cause I'm tryna lose nothing here.

"Uh, I don't know want you want" she deflected.

"Peace and quiet"

"Its a deal then" Aries extended her hand at me.

"Deal" I said shaking hands with her.

And that's just it

Happy new year.
Well its still 2022 here but still 🎆🎆

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Have a nice year 💙

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