Behind the walls (First gem)

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Cancer's pov

      It has been three days ever since corvus told us about Astromile and the gem that was hidden inside it's thick walls

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      It has been three days ever since corvus told us about Astromile and the gem that was hidden inside it's thick walls.

Corvus said we had to go in a group of three to avoid crowding up.
Since the gem found was mine, the Pearl, I was in charge and my teammates were Aquarius and Libra.

We knew very little about the gem, cause I didn't read about it properly, just as corvus had instructed.

So here we are, after going through Libra's portal, standing in front of a bustling city, it was quaint and lively with people from all around the realms going about their daily activities.

"I never thought Astromile would be so. . .packed" Libra mused, looking at each structure in our path, as Aquarius made sure he didn't  bumped into no one while lost in daze.

"Of course you wouldn't, your town is so small" Aquarius rolled her eyes, holding his hand.

"This would be easier if I knew how to read this map thing" I complained, the winded ruffling the paper.

"How useless are you?" Aquarius asked, taking her focus off Libra. I was about to reply when the wind blew the paper out of my hand. I watched in terror and it landed in the river close by.

"See what you've cause?" I frowned at her.

She shrugged her shoulders, clicking her tongue. "What a so called leader, your watch"

"My watch, what?" I furrowed my brows, clearly perplexed.

"That boat is so huge" Libra was still gaping at everything. He looked at the river. "That's a ship, right?" He turned to us with a bright grin.

How small is his town?

Aquarius looked absolutely dumbfounded. "Weren't you listening to Corvus?" She asked, pulling Libra's collar so he would fall into the river. "Why am I babysitting both of you?"

"Firstly,  I was listening and then it got boring" I replied, sweeping my hair aside. "Second, you're only babysitting Libra" I pointed at Libra, who clearly didn't give a fuck.

I could see early in Aquarius eyes that she wanted to strangle me so bad, she bit her lip glaring at me, with balled fist. "You can activate the map on your DAMN FUCKING WATCH, YOU LARGE HEADED ANTELOPE"

"Woah, calm down woman, jeez" I chuckled, pinching my nose.

Libra on the other hand was fumbling with his fingers, avoiding her gaze as he had wondered off.

"Corvus gave you the paper map so you don't have to activate the watch in public and draw the crooks attention" she rolled her eyes. "I can't believe I was that only one listening" Aquarius mumbled.

"So all we have to do is find a secluded part of the city and use the watch?" Libra questioned, his eyes moving from me to Aquarius.

"If I remember correctly. . .''

"Let's hope you do" Aquarius cut me off, rolling her eyes.

"I saw a building right next to, was that the woods or a forest?" I used my hands to demonstrate, leaving Aquarius and Libra confused.

"Assuming what you said made sense" Aquarius clicked her tongue, pressing a finger against her cheek.

Why was she being extra sassy today?

"A forest or. . .woods is a secluded place you could use the watch there" Libra put in.

"Exactly,  thank you Libra" I gawked at Aquarius. "Your girlfriend seems grumpy today"

"What the fuck? No, we're not dating" she smacked my shoulder.

"Yet" I winked, and there were practically steams coming out of her ears.

"Don't get mad, that only encourages him" Libra held her back, his ears red, along with his cheeks. "So how do we get there?" He asked, changing the subject.

Aquarius shrugged. "Simple, we ask for directions"


   "Its mid day, and we still haven't found it yet" Aquarius whined nonstop. "Let's just ask for directions"

"No" Libra and I immediately shut down the idea.

"Well I'm not gonna walk around a city filled with thieves, kidnappers and many more dangerous people, looking for a place" She jeered, leaving us alone.

Aquarius stopped a stranger, and starting talking to him. After a while she returned, flipping her hair. "Let's go"

"Women" I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

We finally made it to the forest, I turned on the watch pursing my lips. "Um. . .how do you operate this?"
Aquarius face palmed, and Libra helped me out.

The map appeared, showing the point were we stood and also where the signal was radiating from. "That looks like a palace or something" Libra pointed out.

"Yeah, Corvus said a high ranking official possess the gem and its his most priced possession, so we're technically gonna steal it" I explained.

"Leave the stealing to us, kids" A rough voice, interrupted our little chat. We turned to see a bald buff man with two thin men behind him.
"Take everything but the watch is mine" he instructed and the two twig looking people marched towards us, taking out their blades.


Oh my gosh, I forgot Leo's training 😭
How the fishsticks???
Don't worry, I got this!
Forgive me ~💛~

Anyways hi, how are you?
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Cya, ily <(•-•<)

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