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TW: eating disorders, body shaming

Evangelina Miller:

I scream for what feels like hours but was probably just a few seconds, until I end up laughing so hard I cry, and crying so hard I throw up into the canyon. I sit down and keep laughing and crying, I can't tell which is which as of now. I lay back on the rocks and stare up at the stars tears still flowing down my cheeks. I close my eyes for a moment taking in the surreal feeling, and suddenly there's a shadow cast over me. Snapping my eyes open I see Levi looking scared and worried while extending his hand for my to grab.
I slap his hand away and stand up on my own, he shakes his head but continues walking behind me silently. Glancing over at the car I drove today in the race I couldn't help but wonder..

"Who gets that car?" I ask finally looking over at him

"Us, we're picking it up tomorrow." He grumbles completely aggravated

"No." I simply state

"What the hell are you on about?" He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose

"We're taking it tonight. Give me the keys" I snap

"Uhm no. It's too fucking late for this get the fuck in the car."

"Fine you take the fucking Mercedes" I say gesturing angrily towards the car I drove today "and I'll take the Corvette." I snap shaking my hand again for the keys

"Stop acting like such a fucking brat Evangelina. Get your ass into the fucking car now, or so help me god I'll-"

"Okay" I say in a small voice stepping over to the Corvette. I wait for my head down for him to unlock the car. I was scared of what would happen next, dad used to always say thing like that before he hit me. I wish there was a backseat, I would've sat back there and cried but of course it's a dumbass Corvette. And a red one  for that matter. Still my favourite car, but they could have taken my husband into consideration when they designed it.
The drive back to the house is completely silent. I feel him look over at me multiple times but I keep my gaze out the window.
When we reach the apartment building, I start heading to my room and he scoffs at me. Taking a deep breath I turn to him.

"What?" I demand annoyed of him

"Are you that dense? Don't you remember what I told you yesterday?"

"You told me lots of things yesterday."

"Okay smartass I'm done with your fucking attitude" he snaps storming over to me "I told you, you were staying in my room from now on. So get in there. You don't have a room, you have my room."

"Oh fuck you! I'm not your friend, I'm not your girlfriend, and I'm barely your wife! You can't make me sleep in your room you fucking twit!" I shout back, completely sick of him now.

He looks a bit taken aback but eventually decides that he can in fact make me sleep in his room, because he scoops me up and starts to carry me there. As I'm punching his back he just tightens his grip on me. I'm yelling at him to put me down while Gloria looks slightly amused, preparing supper. He sets me down on his bed and to sit and stay like I'm some fucking dog. He walks out of the room and comes back a moment later holding plates of whatever Gloria was cooking, and hands one to me. I roll my eyes a bit and place it on the floor next to me. He glances over at it then to me, I watch as realization washes over his face, and he places his food down as well, glancing down at me. He's sitting on the bed while I'm leaning against the bathroom door, fiddling on my phone. As I yawn I decide I'm going to go to bed, I stand up and crack my back, looking over to Levi. He looks disgusted at the sound and I cackle deciding to piss him off.

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