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Levi Berkshire

I heard her scream a few moments ago, I was tempted to go check up on her but felt like it would invade her privacy. But when she started pacing outside my door I pulled her in not giving a shit about privacy.
She let out a yelp and looked horrified before she realized it was me who had grabbed her. When I let go of the wrist she looked down at it. I began to look when she ripped her sleeve down.


I tug her again, guiding her to the bed.

"I know you'll say no, so before you do, hear me out, just stay here tonight. I know you don't want to be alone, I heard you scream"

She nods and then yawns walking deeper into my room, she then turns to me and glances at the bed. I nod at her to get in when she shakes her head and begins to leave.

"It's okay, I'll just tough it out" she softly says sleep lacing her words

I shake my head and grab her wrist again wrenching her to the bed, her eyes widen as she meets the soft mattress, but then relax when sleep lulls her.

✄- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When I wake up in the morning she's no where to be seen, I slept on the floor and let her have the bed. Suddenly there's a loud crash downstairs and yelling, I bolt downstairs to see one of my guards raising their baton to Evangelina, she's sitting on the ground with glass around her.

"What the fuck is happening?!" I shout

"Sir I found this girl here stealing from you" Bill, my guard answers

"Are you fucking stupid? You're fired, get the fuck out!" I yell back, pushing him towards the door

He leaves without another word, and I turn to Evangelina and see her cowering against the cupboard. Her face has bruising on it and rage fills my body. I pick her up and take her back to my room, then I call my doctor to check up on her. He tells me he's on his way.
I turn to her again and realize she's still shaken up.

"Hey, hey, Lina it's okay" I mumble rushing towards her

She's softly crying shaking her head no. Brushing her hair out of her face I see the bruises clearer now. A sigh leaves me and I feel her body vibrate as she begins crying again. The door is opened to the room and Dave walks in.

"Lina, this is Dave he's going to give you a check up, okay?"

I walk away to the kitchen to clean up the glass. I pieced it together, Evangelina probably went to the kitchen to grab water, Bill saw her and was a fucking idiot and assumed she was stealing my glass.
After a few moments, Dave walks out toward me.

"Levi, this kid has some serious issues. For starters she's got a broken rib, which seems to have been broken a couple days ago or so. It also seems your guard hit her with his baton a few times before you got there. As for the bruises on her face I have no idea how they could have gotten there. Levi, you need to understand this, she is extremely hurt. I don't want you to-" He continues speaking but it blurs out in my mind. What the fuck is he talking about?

He nods asking me if I understood, to which I nod knowing I didn't. He leaves and I walk to Lias room.

"You- I-" I try, she begins crying again and I stop

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I start, absolutely fuming "are you serious? You have had a broken rib for days and you didn't think to tell me? Who did this to you?"

"Cara and I were play fighting and she accidentally hurt me, that's all" she says after clearing her throat

"Don't fucking lie to me!" I yell, punching the wall

She cowers away from me, and it hits me.
She's scared of me.

My eyes widen and she lowers her hands still on edge, waiting for the impending strike. My brows furrow as she slightly relaxes realizing I'm not going to hit her. Instead of talking about it, I walk out of the room into the kitchen.
I can't believe she would actually think I would hit her, I don't know who the fuck she thinks I am, but I'm not a woman beater. After a while she meanders down the stairs into the kitchen, i check the clock and see it's nearly 3 in the afternoon, I've been working on paperwork my father gave me I hadn't even realized the time. Evangelina walks towards me and takes a deep breath.

"Uh can I get something to eat?" She all but whispers

"What do I look like a fucking maid? Get it yourself"

"I- I was just making sure I was allowed in the fridge" she mumbles after slightly flinching at my tone

I just nod and watch as she grabs an apple from the fridge drawer then turns to me nodding towards the knifes, when I don't reply she just grabs one. She stares at the blade for a moment too long making me curious as to what she was thinking. She blinks and then cuts her apple in half, she then looks around the kitchen for a moment before turning to me again.

"Where's your ziplock bags?"

"In the pantry top shelf, why?"

"Cause I don't want the full apple" she shrugs

She walks to the pantry and grabs the bag, places half of the food in the bag, placing it back in the fridge before cutting the other half up into 4 pieces. She then slowly, painfully took a bite out of one slice. I watched her do this multiple more times before I realized I had just watched her eat half an apple.

Why the fuck would I care how she eats her apples, that's weird. Actually, no what's weird is how she eats them. Who in gods name eats an apple like that? I shake my head and continue my work. I feel her looking at me, and it's distracting my focus, so I look up at her. Her brows are furrowed and I quickly realize she's not looking at me, she's looking at the paper work I'm working on. I quickly realize this is probably super graphic for her, seeing as there's images included as well as a detailed description of how the man we took down a week ago was killed.

"Is that Benny the Butcher?" She says in a small voice


"Oh, my father almost sent me out to get him but then you and your guys took him" she softly chuckled

I softly laugh thinking she's joking when she furrows her brows and shakes her head not understanding why I'm laughing. There's no way her dad was gonna send her out to kill Benny? I almost died trying to kill him, I couldn't imagine her trying. It would be a circus act, it's clear her and her sister are just spoiled brats by the way they act.

"3 days" I say as she walks away, causing her to freeze in place


"We're gettin' hitched in 3 days" I sigh back

Her eyes widen and her body visibly tenses, her lip slightly quivers as she nods to me.
She runs back up the stairs. I know this hurts her, as much as she wants to deny it I know she wishes this never happened, and honestly? I couldn't care any less. Her father deserves this.

5:16 pm 3 days in the future

"And do you, Evangelina Miller, take Levi Berkshire to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"


Little spoiler, i hope you loved it😻👊
I have a great idea for the next chapter, obviously as you can see ⬆️ but I need it to be formatted kinda cool yk?

Word count: 1339

The Fifth LetterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon