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Eveangelina Miller

I know he read the letter, I'm just hoping he won't read the others.
It's been 3 days since our last enter action, i was quite bored today and decided to see if he would hold up on his end of the bargain from the wedding. As I walk up to his office Gloria stops me .

"Oh dear if your looking for Levi, he's in about to start a meeting"

I nod and thank her, walking to the room. Knocking on the door twice I walk into a room full of men and my husband sitting across from them.

"Out." He snaps

I turn around slightly shocked and begin to leave until I notice all of the men in the room flooding out by me.

"How can I help you, Yellow?"

"Yellow?" I say turning to see who must've walked in, there was no one.

He points to my shirt, I'm wearing a bright yellow shirt. Slightly nodding my head, dazed I remember why I came in here.

"About our agreement, about your card? I want to take you up in that today."

"Okay" he says turning and handing me his card
"Call a car, someone will take you"

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After about 5 hours of shopping I decided to spend $20. I bought a book and a coffee. The book I bought was Icebreaker by Hannah Grace, it's been on my 'to be read' for months and I decided to get it today.

Returning to the house I realize that I didn't have to take his card I could have just bought the book myself. As I reach into my wallet I pull out a 20, and his card. After knocking on the door he opens it and walks back to his chair.


"I was just returning your card."

"What do you mean returning it? You've only spent $20?"

"Exactly that's already a lot, so here" I hand him his card and the $20 I took from my wallet

"I don't need your money." He snaps throwing the bill back to me

I nod, still confused but agreed walking out.

"Yellow, where are you going? You don't have my card?"

"Why do I need your card? I'm just going to my room?"

"You spent $20?"


"That's it?"

"I..guess so? Why?"

"I took you as the type of girl to spend hundreds upon hundreds"

"Well you 'took me wrong'" I say in air quotes

"Trust me Yellow, no one has, or will ever say that" he smirks

Internally gagging I turn around and begin to leave again when I hear his stand up and put on a jacket.

"Let's go, we're going shopping" he says gripping my arm, then turning slightly confused

"Why are you just standing there let's go."

Following behind him we walk to the elevator which I'm now somewhat accustomed to now. We walk out to his car and begin driving to the mall on the other side of town. As we walk into the mall he walks to a store directory to find where to go. After he decides where we are going to start he takes hold of my hands again and leads us to a store. I receive dirty looks from gorgeous girls who clearly find Levi attractive, i even hear some of them talk shit about me as we pass. As we turn the corner I see Cara and Mary approaching us with an almost evil smirk. I tense and Levi takes notice, squeezing my hand twice to remind me he's there.

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