"Captain Haddock came right for me." She mumbled, turning in his arms to bury her head against his shoulder. "It's alright Will, it's done with."

"It is." He muttered, holding her close and brushing his hands over her soft hair. "And we will think no more of it." All he wanted was to forget what had happened, so he chivvied Ana along to get dressed quickly so he could whisk her up to the dining saloon. But he had one idea in mind for before they ate, and he pressed a finger to his lips when Ana cocked her head as they went by. "I want to show you something."

She squeezed his arm, "What?"

"Someplace you've seen before." He tugged her along, finding the lounge and a certain revolving door. "Right through here, remember?" Apparently she did, because she stepped into the same section as him. He dropped his hands to her waist, remembering how he had seen her the first time. Her lips slightly parted, a light flush to her cheek, and God how he had wanted her. So he leaned down to whisper to her, even if it made them have to continue around the door another time. "I wanted to kiss you so badly that day."

"I wanted you to." She muttered, and he couldn't help but drop his lips to hers. It was brief, for the door didn't stop spinning and they were shortly ejected into the smoking room. It was deserted this early, and he laughed as she wrinkled her nose. "God, it's disgusting in here."

"It's been used a lot." He replied, walking over to a table and fetching a matchbook for her. "Here, for your collection."

She flipped it between her fingers, "You know this reminds me, I have been thinking about something lately."

"About what?"

"Your smoking." She held up her hands, forestalling him from interrupting. "There's no way it can be healthy, and Will, I just don't want it to hurt you."

"Ana, I'm sure I'll be fine."

"I know you started reading General Grant's memoirs, and you know he wrote those while he was dying from cancer because he smoked so much. I don't want that for you."

"I don't smoke as much as him." He raked his hands through his hair. "Christ Ana, I don't smoke like a chimney! Why are you doing this now?"

"Because Will," She stepped forward, placing her hands on his chest. "There's fourteen years between us. I know I'm going to have to lose you someday, I just want to keep it away as long as I can." He could see a glint of tears in her eyes. "Please Will, can you just stop smoking? For me?"

"Ana," He brought a finger up, brushing the tear away. "I can try, but you have to allow me something."

"A cigar on special occasions, and a pipe with Lights?"

He pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I can live with that." But he was still unsettled as they went off to breakfast. He loved his pipe, he loved relaxing with it at the end of the day and he didn't want to give that up. But then he looked down at Ana, her blonde hair curled around her shoulders, and he realized he loved her more that that. It would be hard, but for more time with Ana, he would try. It had obviously been on her mind, had obviously distressed her, and he didn't want anything to ruin today. He wanted a nice day with Ana, remembering their past, and he wasn't going to dwell on it.

So he put it from his mind as they sat down at the breakfast table, and Will saw her smile when she ordered the entire spread. She smiled as she sipped her milk, "You must be quite hungry."

"Aren't you?" He looked down, considering the menu for a moment. "Is smoked salmon still allowed?"

Ana sighed, waiting until the steward had set down all of their order before replying as she poked at a bowl of oatmeal. "It's not like I'm asking you to become a teetotaler you know, I just don't want you to smoke as much."

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now