67. Threats

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The door burst open.

Mateo entered, gun in hand, sweeping the room. "All clear."

Charles rushed in after him. "I woke up and you were gone. We were looking for you and we heard the crash."

I looked up at him. They both took a step back. Unbridled anger was written across my face.

"He knew they were going to die." I crumpled the corner of the last note in my fist. "He knew it and he didn't stop it."

Mateo took the letter from my hand and read it. "He suspected but I don't think he knew for sure."

"Don't protect him, he still went. He still left!" My voice cracked.

Charles read the letter. "He said Lionel had more answers, maybe he'll be able to help."

Abruptly, I stood up and walked to the bar cart, grabbing a new bottle. I held it up. "To my family."

The bottle was pulled away from me before I could drink.

"Kat, please, don't do this." Charles was desperate.

I rubbed my forehead. "It doesn't matter, none of it matters. They're gone."

"It matters to me, I'm still here Kat. I'm still here. You're not alone." Charles put the bottle down and reached for me.

"I shouldn't have listened to Pierre. I shouldn't be here." My voice cracked.

Charles gathered me against his chest. "It's going to keep hurting but you can't let it consume you, that's not what your family would have wanted."

I sucked in deep breaths, trying to clear my head of all these emotions.

"I need them to hide all the alcohol for the time being," I finally said.

Charles kissed my temple. "I'll have them handle it in the morning. Let's get you back to bed."

I shook my head adamantly. "I can't sleep, I need answers, I need Lionel."

"It's not even sunrise, he's asleep," Charles pointed out, rubbing my back.

"He'll wake up for the sovereign princess of Monaco." I insisted.

"Kat, please. You're not thinking right, you haven't eaten in days, I haven't said anything before now but I've seen it. You were just trying to drink. You're angry and rightfully so but I need you to slow down." Charles tried to calm me. "You can talk to him first thing in the morning but I don't think you should right now."

My eyes flashed. "Are you trying to tell your monarch what to do?"

Charles took a step back. "I'm trying to help my partner."

"You both are allowed to go." I gestured to the door. "Leave. Now."

I averted my eyes, the look of genuine hurt on Charles face was too much for me. The only way I could make sure that Charles wouldn't find out about the texts was to shut him out for now and to talk to Lionel.

I waited until the two men had left the room before reaching for my phone again. I sent a quick text to Lionel

Princess Kathrine
The study as soon as you see this

Before I texted the unknown number.

When do you want to meet

Unknown number
Now, garden. Far bench

I stood up and opened the door to the garden, careful not to alert anyone that might be still outside the study door. Finding the farthest bench, I took a seat.

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