25. Making the News

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Following the Monza win, the press went crazy. Charles was being asked about it in his interviews as well as the other guys. My events also had questions about it. We had admitted to the relationship but kept all of the details very private. As the weeks passed, the questions slowed but the attention was still there. Charles was in Japan for a race while I was about to do an interview regarding my involvement in a scholarship charity that helped youths get into university.

I sat in the chair across from the interviewer.

"Good afternoon, your highness," the man started. "It is lovely to have you with us."

I smiled. "Thank you so much for having me. This is something very important to me so I am looking forward to the opportunity to talk about it."

"Before we get into the talks about the scholarship, I have to ask what everyone is wondering. How does a princess even end up with a formula one racer?"

I laughed the question off. "I guess it was fate. Now the scholarship?"

"What do your parents, the Sovereign Prince and Princess, think of you dating a man who merely drives cars?" He pressed.

I was getting frustrated but I tried to hide it. "This scholarship gives to many deserving young adults the opportunity to pursue their dreams, I think that is a much more interesting conversation for right now."

"But the people want to know, your highness, what did a man like Charles Leclerc do to deserve you? Is there a secret reason as to why you two finally decided to announce your relationship now? Did he force you to go public with it so that it would be harder for you to leave him?"

At this, I stood abruptly. "I came to talk about a charity that is very close to my heart and you ask me very intrusive and offensive questions? How dare you? How dare you assume those things? Charles and I chose to keep our relationship private for our own reasons. I do not appreciate your attempts to slander Charles. You will be hearing from my people."

I stormed off the set of the interview. My phone rang. It was Alex. I gripped it tightly, considering throwing it at a wall for a moment before taking a breath and answering.

"What do you want?"

"Kat, before you go off anymore. That interview was live."

The color drained from my face. "So everyone heard what he said?"

"I'm sorry Kat. He went completely off script, those weren't in the questions he submitted to us. I will have the legal team take action and we will get him removed from his position but you should probably check on Charles. Let me know if you need anything."

I ended the call without replying.

Mateo rounded the corner. "We should go before more press arrives outside."

Frozen to the ground, I couldn't move. All I could do was stare at Mateo, tears streaming down my face. Even though it was against protocol, Mateo pulled me into a hug.

"Shhh, it'll be ok. The people love you and Charles. You stood up for him. But we need to get you out of here."

I stepped back from him. "You're right, let's go. I need to call Charles."

Alvaro had gone ahead and made sure the path to the car was clear while Mateo kept his hand on my arm, guiding me. I kept my head down, hoping no one would notice the tear streaks on my face and not wanting to look at anyone. Once in the car, I called Charles. No answer. He was most likely his way back to Monaco from Suzuka.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I fought the urge to punch something.

I knew the race in Suzuka was already a very emotional race for Charles and now he was coming back to this? I tried calling again, it rang a couple times before going to voicemail.

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