5. Family Dinner

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I chased after her. "Maman! What he doesn't know won't hurt him!"

My mother came to an abrupt halt causing me to run into her. "I wasn't planning on telling him."

"Wait, who are you and what have you done to my mother? Guards quick, this is an imposter."

"Don't make me regret it." Her gaze softened. "I did my fair share of running off when I was your age. I would be a hypocrite if I didn't allow you some of the same freedom."

I hugged my mom tightly. "Thank you maman!"

"Now go get ready for dinner and be harder to crack than you were a moment ago."

Taking the stairs two at a time, I rushed up to my room. There was already a dress laid out for dinner, meaning my mother had known I would sneak back in and had already gotten everything ready for me. After a quick shower, I checked my phone as I twisted my hair up with a clip.

The party starts at 9

Can't wait

Lando invited Ines, you'll know more
than just the two of us now

Running my hands along the lavender fabric of the dress, I smoothed out the skirt before slipping it on. I had barely finished strapping my heels on when Alex knocked on my door to escort me to dinner.

I hugged my father when we entered the dinning room. My mom smiled as I sat in my usual seat across from her.

"So how was the race Alex? I heard Charles Leclerc won." Our father started off the dinner conversation.

"It was very good, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. His victory was well deserved."

"Kat, you should go to more events with your brother. The public loves you and I think you'd have proper fun."

I rolled my eyes good naturedly. "I do have fun father, just not at those events."

"I know you have fun, I said proper fun. Not the fun you like to get up to."

I clutched my chest dramatically. "I'm a scandal!"

My father chuckled and shook his head. "Far from it lately. You've been very quiet in all media since you've come back from university."

I pushed the food around on my plate with my fork. "I thought it was time for a new chapter. I guess I just wanted to focus on myself now."

Father smiled at me and placed his hand on mine. "And that's all I've ever wanted from you my dear, for you to be comfortable being yourself."

I'd had my fair share of run ins with the tabloids and the news in the past, drinking and partying, the usual. Previously, I had also had a steady media presence from posting on my own personal social media. However my presence had tapered off during university and hadn't picked up again since getting back.

We finished dinner with the usual chatter of future events and who was coming to visit and such. Father and Alex disappeared into the study after dinner for their nightly game of chess, it didn't matter how busy they were or how much they still had to do, they played a game of chess every night. If they were in different countries they would play it across an app. For as long as I can remember, I don't think they had ever missed a game.

Once I was back in my room, I facetimed Ines.

"Hey! What are you wearing tonight?" I asked, rummaging through my closet.

    "Hey! I was thinking something light because we'll be on a boat but I'm not sure because it could get cooler tonight." Ines held up a strappy blue top. "What about this and tan linen pants?"

    I glanced over at my phone propped up on my vanity. "That's cute! Lando will love it."

    She went off camera to change and when she came back I held up a  sage silky slip dress. "What about this?"
    "You'll look incredible, Charles won't be able to keep his eyes off you."

    "Send me your address and I'll pick you up on the way."

    We ended the call and I changed into the dress. I added a pair of strappy nude chunky heels. I kept my makeup minimal and elected to just wear the simple gold necklace with a dainty star charm that I wore every day.

    I snuck down the stairs and to the kitchen. Since dinner had been over for a bit, the space was empty. The kitchen door opened to the back garage area where I could easily get to my car and make it out.

    "Don't you think you're forgetting something?"

    I froze. "I don't think so?"

    My mother handed me my purse. "You look lovely, I hope you have fun. And I wouldn't be a good mother if I didn't tell you to be careful and make responsible decisions."

    "Thank you, you know I will."

    "I'm assuming Alex knows about this?"

    "Please don't be mad at him."

    "Don't worry, I won't be. I love that you two always have each other's backs and I would never want to do something to jeopardize that. Text me if you need someone to come pick you up or anything."

    "I will, goodnight maman."

    I closed the door quietly behind myself and walked across the courtyard to the garage. Checking my purse, I found the keys to my black Ferrari. I smiled to myself as I slid into the driver seat and drove towards the back gate.

    "Good night, Ronaldo." I waved through my open window to the gate guard.

   He waved back as I drove off into the night.

I quickly navigated to Ines' house, texting her to let her know when I arrived.

She came running out and hopping into the passenger seat. "Wow, we're really riding in style."

"It's the only way," I laughed, pulling back out into traffic.

"Of course you have to drive a Ferrari to a Ferrari driver's party."

She and I sang along to the music and soon we arrived at the marina.

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