40. Dates and Drivers

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We arrived back at the apartment to a note from Arthur.

Dropped my phone in the sink and broke it. Getting a new one tomorrow.

Going out with friends, I'll be back tomorrow after picking up the phone.

Charles shook his head. "He's going to be the death of me."

"He's a grown man, he's allowed to go out with friends. I'm going to jump in the shower and you're not invited." I kissed his temple.

"What's the point of him not being here if we don't take advantage of it!"  he called after me.

I turned on some music while I was in the shower. Drying my hair quickly, I straightened it before leaving the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

Charles was playing piano and glanced up at me with a smile as I walked into the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of champagne to drink while I was getting ready. I felt his eyes on me as I returned to the room.

"The shower feels lovely," I commented without looking back.

He came up behind me, kissing behind my ear. "You look lovely in a towel."

"You stink." I wrinkled my nose.

"Rude! We're you never taught manners?" he pulled off his shirt as he passed me, going into the bathroom.

I sat in front of the mirror that leaned against the wall in Charles' room. I did a natural makeup look and put my hair up in an artfully messy low updo, leaving a few pieces out to frame my face. To contrast the simplicity, I added diamond thread earrings which paired well with my star necklace. 

Charles walked into his room from the bathroom, towel around his waist. "You look stunning."

I walked past him, trailing my hand across his stomach. "You look pretty good yourself."

"Kat." There was a warning tone in his voice.

I smiled innocently. "What, my love?"

He sighed, running his hand down his face as I disappeared into the other room. I changed into a simple black dress and paired it with high silk gloves. I rejoined Charles and sat on his bed, champagne in hand. He was standing there, shirtless but in his slacks. He snapped a quick picture of me on his bed.

"Are you pursuing a new career in photography?" I arched an eyebrow at him.

"Lando and Daniel both have JPG instagram accounts for photography and I thought it might be fun experimenting with some photos to see what a JPG instagram I start might look like," he explained. "Especially since you'd be on it a lot. I just don't know if I'm confident enough in my photography to have one myself. So I guess I'm planning on testing out the concept tonight on my account."

"We could make one together and post our pictures together, that way no one would know who took what picture unless we want them to know. But only if you want," I offered.

He beamed at me. "I would love that. Let's start one next race week."

"Sounds perfect. Now hurry!"

He finished getting ready and we made our way down to the car.

"What's this?" I asked when we stopped in front of a car that wasn't his normal one.

"I asked if we could borrow it for the night." he smiled at my wonderment.

It was a beautiful old convertible Ferrari in perfect condition.

"It's gorgeous," I breathed.

"I thought you might like it." He came up next to me. "Are you ready?"
"Wait, I forgot my purse. I'll only be a moment."

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