12. Reunited

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I froze. "Surprise?"

Charles approached the door cautiously. He looked utterly spent, hair messy, dark circles under his eyes.

"Arthur, let her inside. If anyone sees her out there, it would probably be bad for us all." He rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Arthur opened the door enough for me to slip inside.

"Thank you," I said softly.

Charles shook his head at his brother's questioning look. "I'll tell you everything in the morning. Go to bed."

Arthur glanced back at me before padding off towards I assume his room.

He asked, "What are you doing here? Do you know what would happen if someone saw you come here?"

"I know what would happen, I have been alive for a while," I returned defensively. "I am used to this type of world."

He held up his hands. "I'm sorry."

I sighed. "No, I'm sorry. I had hoped... I don't know what I was hoping for. I just... Can you talk for a minute."

"Let's talk in my room, not in the entryway."

He led me into his room. After closing the door behind us, I pressed my forehead against it. I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"The fight you overheard was between me and Jacques Beaufort, the Belgian crown prince. A few years ago, we went to university together. We were in the same friend group. I always considered him just a friend, but he..." I trailed off for a moment, pressing my forehead harder against the door. "I saw him for the first time at the gala Saturday since everything happened and it was too much. I couldn't... I couldn't bear it, I had to get away from him. Even once I was in the car driving away I still felt like he was right next to me, I still felt his hands on my skin."

I took a shuddering breath before continuing. "I went to Crete because it was far away, it was a place with no prior memories. When I got there, I just wanted to scrub him off me but that didn't work so I drank until I was too numb to feel him on me any more. But the next day all I felt was shame. I couldn't go back. I couldn't call any of you. I couldn't let anyone in and see me like that. And I haven't known you very long but-but you deserved to know. I wasn't-I wasn't trying to disappear. I guess I was trying to disappear, but I wasn't trying to get rid of you or any of the others. I just didn't know how to deal and I'm sorry."

Charles had remained quiet the whole time I was talking but now he moved closer to me slowly, gauging my reaction. He put his hand on my shoulder lightly, waiting to see what I would do. I leaned into his touch.

"You have nothing to apologize for Kat, nothing at all."

"I said no, I said no, he didn't... he wouldn't listen. I said no."

"It's not your fault, it's not your fault."

My knees buckled as I released all the pent up sobs. Charles pulled me against his chest before I could fall. He quickly picked me up and sat on the bed, back against the headboard, I was sitting on him straddling his lap, face buried in his neck. He rubbed my back soothingly as I cried. When I had no energy left to cry and was completely spent he kept rubbing my back and my hair making soothing sounds. I took gasping, cleansing breaths.

"Kat, look at me please," Charles said gently.

I looked at him slowly.

He ran the pad of his thumb under the yellowing bruise on my cheek. "Did he do this?"

I nodded and hung my head.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's not your fault. It's not your fault," He repeated, pulling me back against him.

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