36. Mile High

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Three days later, Charles was released from the hospital. Pierre and Carlos had stayed at the hospital the whole time. Alvaro had been monitoring the hospital and Mateo had flown out to help with security as well. I pushed Charles' wheelchair towards the back entrance that Pierre and Carlos were waiting at.

"I can't wait to sleep for real, without machines or fluorescent lights," Charles sighed. "Can't wait to not have to deal with all this."

"I can't wait to have you to myself for at least a day. I've cleared my schedule so that I can go to the remaining races with you too." I wheeled Charles out the door.

"You didn't have to do that, Kat. I know you're busy." He turned his head to look at me.

"Don't be silly, Charles. I love you, I want to support you, and I want to be there when you win your first world championship."

Carlos and Pierre waved us over to the SUV, Mateo was in the driver's seat. Alvaro came up behind us after finishing a sweep.

"We should get going if we want to keep this quiet." Alvaro opened the door for us.

We got Charles into the car before climbing in after. Alvaro joined Mateo in the front passenger seat. Pierre and Carlos were in the back seats while Charles and I sat in the middle row of seats. We listened to music and chatted while driving to the airport. Our luggage had already been stowed on the jet when we got there.

"Dibs on the shower first!" I shouted as we walked up the stairs.

Carlos let out a low whistle. "You have a nice jet."

"Thanks, perk of being a royal. You guys make yourselves comfortable. I'll be taking a shower, it's just through the back bedroom." I waved goodbye to the guys.

I closed the door behind me and took a breath. This was my first time out of the hospital since we had gotten there after the crash. I chuckled as the guys figured out how to connect to the speakers and music started playing loudly. Leaving my clothes in a pile on the floor, I went into the bathroom and turned on the water. I stood under the water, washing my hair. Between the music and the water, I didn't hear someone come into the bathroom until they were in the shower behind me. I spun around when they put their hands on my waist and found myself face to face with Charles.

"What are you doing here?" I slid my hands up his chest and around his neck.

He cupped my face with his hands and captured my mouth hungrily. I pressed my body against his as we deepened the kiss. He backed me against the wall, standing between my legs. I ran my fingers through his hair and reveled in the growl that rumbled in the back of his throat. He kissed down my jaw and throat.

"Charles," I moaned.

"What do you want?" He asked, voice hoarse.

I slid my hand down his abdomen. He gasped as I palmed him.

"You, you're what I want." I kissed him gently.

His hands roamed my body. I bit my lip as his fingers brushed over my nipples. His eyes darkened as he focused on my lips. He claimed my mouth, slipping his tongue inside. Our kiss became messy and desperate, we couldn't get enough of each other. He slid one hand lower, separating my legs. I groaned as he teased my entrance with his fingers and bit back a cry as he pressed his thumb to my clit.

"Charles, they'll hear us," I gasped as he slipped two fingers inside.

He smirked as he curled his fingers against me. "Don't worry about them. Focus on me."

I bit my lip to quiet myself. My hips bucked as the pressure built. I was going to complain as Charles removed his hands but instead I gasped as thrust into me. I could feel my muscles clenching around him. Charles leaned forward, forearm against the wall next to my head, as his movements became more jerky.

"Kat!" He moaned as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. "I'm not going to last."

Stars exploded before my eyes as we rode out our orgasms.

"That was incredible." Charles tried to catch his breath.

"It was about time," I teased. "It had been what? Almost a month?"

"Oh really? That long? We'll have to make up for that." He pinned me to the wall.

I gasped as he ran his finger through my folds, flicking my clit, overly sensitive from the previous orgasm.

"Not fair." My head went back.

"I think it's very fair."

He groaned as I wrapped my hand around his shaft, pumping. I matched the same speed as his hand.

"Still think it's fair?" I asked breathlessly.

He grunted in response, brow creased, eyes closed. When he bit his lip, I understand why he reacted when I did it. I had to kiss him. I pressed my mouth to his, taking control of his mouth greedily. He whimpered softly as I nipped at his lip which only urged me onward.

"You're mine, Charles." I pulled back a hairsbreadth from his mouth.

"And you're mine, Kat." He kissed me again.

His hand sped up and I could feel his body tensing. Once again we orgasmed together.

He rested his forehead against mine as we caught our breath. "I love you."

"I love you too." I slid my arm around his neck. "Are you ok? I didn't hurt you or anything?"

"You didn't hurt me, I promise."

We finished the rest of our shower quickly. When we got out we both changed into comfy clothes, Charles into a t-shirt and sweatpants and me into a sweatshirt and shorts. I put my wet hair up in a messy bun to keep it off of my shirt. We rejoined the others in the main cabin. Pierre and Carlos looked at us, smiling. They didn't stop as we sat on the couch across from them.

"Ok! Ok! Whatever you're thinking, the answer is probably yes!" I threw my hands up.

"I'm glad our favorite royal couple is back together," Pierre said.

"Well a life or death experience mixed with being stuck in a hospital for almost four days really brought us back together," Charles laughed.

"In the future though, wait until we land. It's a little suspicious when one of you goes for a shower and the other says he's 'going to take a nap' and then comes back not long after," Carlos pointed out.

I blushed. "We'll take that into consideration."

We agreed to put on a movie as we settled in for the long flight. Charles laid with his head on my chest, arm and leg over me, dozing off as I played with his hair.

"He asleep?" Carlos asked eventually.

I nodded and smiled softly at Charles.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was going on between you two earlier?" Pierre turned away from the TV to look at me.

"What do you mean?" I glanced quickly at Carlos who shook his head slightly, meaning that he hadn't told Pierre anything.

"The night before the race Charles came to my room asking if he could stay with me. When I asked him about it all he said was that you two had a disagreement," the Frenchman explained. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, it's ok, I feel like you should know."

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