"But you called me baby! You always did that whenever you mistaken me as her!" She retorted as she opened the door revealing Wonwoo who's looking at her now with teary and red eyes.

He took a deep breath.

"I lied when I said it slipped out of my mouth, but that doesn't mean it was not for you, Sehui. You're Lim Sehui and yes, I see you, you're right here, right in front of me. I always see you. Wherever, whenever." He said, seeing how calm and unbothered he really look right now, Sehui kind of felt fluttered by it.

"I felt bad for dragging you along with me and my own problem. When I looked at you earlier, you looked sad and bored, I thought about making you feel better, that's why I suggested a lot to you." He explained, still with the unbothered and uninterested look.

"I'm acting nice to you doesn't mean that I mistaken you as Eunyoung, I'm not even drunk right now." He added and Sehui could feel her cheeks burning right now.

"I know I've always been cold to you. Let me just be nice to you this time, okay?" He raised an eyebrow. Honestly, it made Sehui melt over him but with the thought of him might be cold to her again just like before, she stayed silent and decided to not gonna get her hopes up.

"So, what do you wanna do?" He crossed both of his arms together.

"I'll think about it later. Please excuse me, I want to take a shower." Sehui closed the door and leaned her back against it.

"I lied when I said it slipped out of my mouth, but that doesn't mean it was not for you, Sehui."

"Huh? So, did he actually mean it when he called me baby? Did he really called me baby or not? Gosh, it's so confusing." She whispered, holding her head with both her hands.

"You're Lim Sehui and yes, I see you, you're right here, right in front of me. I always see you. Wherever, whenever."

"Oh my god, is he falling for me as well? Nah, he's just trying to be nice, right? He even said that he just wanna be nice to me." She mumbled while biting her fingernails.

Sehui gave up and messed her hair.

After she finished with her shower and dressing up properly, she went out of the toilet. Wonwoo took a glance at her and crossed both his arms together, giving her a death glare.

"Are you wearing makeup?" He sternly asked.


"Then why the hell do you take long to get ready?" He rolled his eyes, grabbing his car keys and went out of the hotel room leaving Sehui standing in disbelief.

"Okay? So?" She shrugged.

Sehui went out and ran after him who's already in front of the lift waiting for her.

"You acted nice to me earlier and now why are you suddenly cold to me." She murmured.

"You took for more than 30 minutes to get ready and you haven't even decide what you wanna do." He complained.


"But, I think I want to eat pizza." She beamed.

Wonwoo gave her a disgusted look.

"That's all? You made me wait for a long time just for us to get a pizza?" He raised an eyebrow.

"If you're gonna act cold to me, I would rather stay in the hotel. You're seriously ruining the mood." She rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, fine. What else do you want aside pizza?"

"I want to go to an arcade and play games like a kid. Like I've never been there my whole life." She said in a very sarcastic way, she didn't even mean what she said.


She frowned, she couldn't believe Wonwoo would actually agree with that idea but nevertheless she's happy that he's not gonna argue nor protest.

Arriving at the arcade, Wonwoo got her plenty of coins for her to play all the games she wants.

"Are you not gonna play the games as well?" She tilted her head as she questioned him.



Sehui starts with the basketball game. It embarrassed her by the fact that she could barely score. Taking a glance at Wonwoo, he's watching her playing with a small smirk as if he's teasing her.

"What? It's just a game, I don't need to be good at it." She muttered.

"You don't need to be good at it, but at least, you know how to properly do it. Like this." Effortlessly, he threw the ball and it went in, adding score for Sehui.

"Show off." She rolled her eyes.

"Let's try the shooting game." She offered.


Not even one, that Sehui could shoot. She struggled very hard unlike Wonwoo who's having a great time and is enjoying shooting all of the enemies, it feels like he's playing the game all by himself. Everytime she tried to shoot an enemy, Wonwoo took it first from her.

"Stop stealing! I was supposed to shoot it!" She grumbled.

"Hahahaha, sorry."

Sehui who was wrinkling her forehead stopped when she heard him laugh.

"Should we try that one as well?" He asked, pointing his finger to the racing game.


Sehui couldn't focus during the game, she took glances at Wonwoo for more than she should whilst playing the game. She's surprised to see him having a good time, smiling and laughing a lot, as if he's not even Jeon Wonwoo at all.

"Yes!" Wonwoo shouted since he won first place for the racing game.

They tried a few more games, but with Sehui being quiet, only Wonwoo who was the one talking and shouting for victory. Sehui very much felt like she's not with Wonwoo at all.

'He's acting very different today. He even said that he wanna be nice and make me feel better, well he did. I feel very better now. It's good to see this side of him, I really like it.' She thought as she's watching Wonwoo who's walking few meters in front of her.

"You should come here everyday, so I can see you smile and laugh everyday as well." Said Sehui making Wonwoo to stop from walking.

He gave her a weird look.

"You want to see me smile and laugh everyday?" He furrowed his eyebrows, staring at her in bafflement.

Sehui nodded her head.

"You'll see it often from now on." He smiled and walked away from her after that.

Sehui though, she stood there watching him walking away from her. She felt like the time stopped, only Wonwoo and her are the ones moving now. Slowly, her hand reached her chest, feeling her heart that's pumping very faster than ever.



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