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- I never thought a 148 IQ person could be that dumb to think like that!" they both snapped their head to the door and found Yoongi standing there leaning on the doorframe with his infamous unbothered face!

Seeing Yoongi, Namjoon looked down and slowly stood up obediently from Hobi's lap.

Yoongi: You are best in your own way! The things you can do, most of us can't do it! You contribute in other ways, Namjoon. Never feel like that again, understand?"

Namjoon nodded silently, still looking down. Yoongi saw that he is still doubting and hesitating. He walked near Namjoon and put a hand on his shoulder.

-Namjoon-ah, what's going on?" Yoongi asked, his voice gentle but firm.

Namjoon hesitated for a moment before he finally spoke. "I just can't help but feel like I'm not good enough. I'm not as smart or talented as the rest of you and it's been getting to me lately."

Yoongi let out an amused laugh and pulled him to his embrace, 'Come here, you dummy!' he said in soft adoring tone and started rubbing his back softly, 'You are really a baby in buff body with big brain, I swear!'

Namjoon nuzzled on Yoongi's' chest and mumbled cutely, "I'm sorry, hyung. I just can't help it."

Yoongi shook his head, his voice softening. "It's okay, Joon-ie. Hyungs loves you just the way you are! And that fact won't change for the whole world bub. Just don't forget that you are just as valuable as the rest of us, okay? We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and that's what makes us unique. We need you just as much as we need the others."

Namjoon sniffled, 'Thank you...'

Yoongi rubbed his hands gently on Namjoon's shoulder. "Namjoon, you are our most matured and creative brother. You have so much potential and you are just as talented as the rest of us. Then why will you keep thinking low of yourself, hmm?"

Hobi smiled watching his two brother's cute interaction and patted on Namjoon's hair form the back.

Yoongi: And as for cooking, well, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Some of us are good at cooking like me, some good at fake dramas like Taehyung, some of us are good at painting like Kookie, and some of us are good at making dad jokes like...well you know who,' he said with a so done sigh.

Hoseok burst in to laugh and Namjoon also couldn't help but let out a small laugh at Yoongi's comment, feeling a bit more at ease.

Hobi: Hyung! Jin hyung will kill you if he hears you.' he said still laughing.

Yoongi shrugged with a poker face, 'Let that alpaca try.' he sassed and nam-hope giggled.

Yoongi removed some stray hairs for Namjoon's forehead gently and looked at his eyes, 'Joon. Just remember that we're family, and we all have each other's backs. You don't have to do everything perfectly, as long as you try your best and support us in your own way, that's all that matters. Here we don't judge our brother's for silly things, do we?'

Namjoon shook his head with a small pout, 'No hyung.'

Yoongi: Then promise me, you will never think like that again?'

Namjoon nodded, 'I promise hyung.'

He was indeed feeling grateful for his hyungs' support. Hobi patted his back reassuringly and smiled at him.

Hobi: And if you ever need help with cooking, just let me know.'

Namjoon beamed, 'You'll help me cooking then?'

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