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Hoseok: What were you thinking, Namjoon?" He scolded, his voice carrying a note of anger and worry, "You could have seriously hurt yourself or someone else with that kind of carelessness. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to cook alone when you can't cook? How could you even went there in kitchen to cook without proper training or supervision?"

Namjoon hung his head, sobbing miserably in pain and guilt.

Joon: I'm s-sorry, Hoseok-ie hyung," he said quietly. "I just wanted to surprise everyone with a nice meal. I didn't realize how out of my depth I was."

Hoseok softened slightly, realizing that Namjoon's intentions had been good, even if his execution had been disastrous.

Hoseok: I understand that, Namjoon, I know you meant well!" he said, his tone gentler now, "But you have to be more careful in the future. Cooking is not something to take lightly, especially when it involves open flames and hot surfaces."

Tash! Tash!

Namjoon nodded, his face clenched on pain. "Ow! Uh! I know n-now, hyung." he said. "And I promise... I'll never do something so stupid again! Ah!"

Hoseok nodded but didn't stop stroking, "Right! You better not, Namjoon. You could have hurt yourself or one of us. You need to be more careful and responsible in that type of matters. This is not a game, its hella serious!"

-Ouch! Yes s-sir!" Namjoon hung his head in shame, while crying softly, he is now fully aware of the gravity of the situation.

Hoseok's stern expression softened a bit, and he put a hand on Namjoon's shoulder. "I'm not trying to scold you and beat you just to be mean, Namjoon-ie. I care about you and everyone in this house, and we all want us to be safe. So please, be more mindful and responsible next time."

Namjoon nodded, his face still filled with regret along with fresh tears, "I will, hyung. I'm really s-sorry... P-please, no more Hyung?"

Hoseok cooed, "Just three more baby. You can do it, yeah?"

Namjoon pouted and sobbed, "N-nooo! Pewease hyung-nim?"

Hobi: Baby! Just three! Take them like a brave boy for me, please?

Namjoon breathed in heavily and nodded softly.


Hoseok inhaled and placed the last three strokes fast making the boy shirk in pain.

Namjoon: UGH! Aaaaa! Hyung-ieeeee! Hurtsssss!

Hobi quickly threw away the cane and turned his brother. He hugged him, and Namjoon hugged him back like his life depends on it! Hobi picked up the boy and walk towards the bed carrying him like a baby koala, letting the boy cry on his shoulder as much as he wants.

-Ssssh! It's done bub, it's all done. No more, hmm? Breathe baby! Breathe for hyung-ie? That's my good boy! My baby-' He sat on the bed's edge and placed the boy on his lap, side facing him. Namjoon cried hardly on Hobi's chest, while he patted his back gently and rubbed his back soothingly, whispering sweet nothings to his baby brother's ear.

It took almost ten minutes to calm him down. And finally Namjoon's cry died to soft sniffles as he tiredly put his head on Hobi's chest and played with his fingers.

Hobi: Bub? You good now?

Namjoon sniffed and nodded a little.

Hobi: Good. So, you got that why hyung-ie had to punish you? And why we were so upset earlier, hmm?

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