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Back in home;

The Kim mansion is completely silent...Seokjin is seated in the single couch of living room, his fingers massaging his forehead. The unpleasant look on his face is clearly showing that how much pissed he is right now. Well there is certain reason of it. And the reason is now right in front of his eyes...Kim Namjoon-the god of destruction!

Namjoon was now kneeling down in front of his eldest hyung while looking down in the ground from the last 15 minutes, ashamed and scared of his deed. He knows he messed up again and this time he surely didn't want it anyway. He knows that Jin is feeling not fine and still he disobeyed him and what he did next is just a method of making his hyung frustrated and furious on him....

Furious would be an understatement for Jin's mind state. Jin was beyond frustrated with the work that Namjoon did. He can feel his headache increasing and the mood worsening by time being isn't helping him to remain calm at all! He tried to calm himself down, but this is the stage of his illness that he can't control his mood swings...

After a total of 20 or a few more minutes, Seokjin sighed deeply before looking down to his messy dongsaeng and finally decided to break the uncomfortable silence.

Jin: Why you did it Namjoon?' he asked with a heavy deep voice which startled the younger and he flinched a little.

-I-I'm sorry hyung-nim.' Namjoon mumbled and slowly looked up with his glossy eyes making the elder coo in his mind.

But Jin remained stern. The scene he saw in the kitchen replayed on his mind and he shook in the thought of what could have been happen if he won't be there on time!

Jin: Sorry? Is that all you have to say after creating such mess, huh? Why the hell you did that childish work? GIVE ME A FREAKING EXPLAINATION OF YOUR DEED, NAMJOON!' Jin barked out. Namjoon hung his head lower silently.

Jin: Answer me Kim Namjoon! What gotten in your that big brain that you did such dumb work, huh?' Jin asked again in his strictest tone.

Namjoon's lips wobbled, 'I-I just thought...' he murmured and stopped not completing his sentence.

Jin raised an eye brow not being able to hear him clearly, 'You thought what? Speak up clearly.'

Namjoon: T-that....you will be h-happy-' he said in whispering tone that was unable to hear anyway!

Jin: I can't hear you Namjoon! LOUDER!

This made Namjoon broke down finally. He sobbed out like a baby and looked down on the ground.

Namjoon: I-I'm sorry hyung-ie....I t-thought I could c-cook something for y-you all and then m-make everyone happy...didn't m-mean to make such m-mess...S-so sorry hyung... p-please forgive me...I w-will never disobey y-you again...p-promise!' he mumbled while trying to make himself stable. But nothing worked, he is scared and guilty...and that's what makes him a baby in front of his hyungs.

Jin heard his baby's broken sob and felt a pain in his chest. He knows Namjoon is guilty for what he did and he surely knows what he did is wrong. He knows how dangerous it could have been, and that's why he is crying like that.

Jin gulped hardly trying to stay firm, 'Do you even have the idea what was you going to do back there? Do you know what serious accident could have been occur if I didn't come in right time? Do you get how dangerous your works was?'

Namjoon nodded like a baby, still wailing his eyes out. His body is shaking in impact and Jin couldn't see in any longer. Well, Namjoon could be messy and dumb sometimes, but after all he is Jin's little kid! How can he be so cruel? He sighed...

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