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After one week;

In university;

The trio was sitting in the green soccer field of the university ground, chatting about random things. This period is having an off today cause the teacher is having some works...so, they decided to come to the open air. The ground is quite empty, only some of the students and sitting and gossiping here and there...

Beomgyu was saying some fan facts about their cousin Taehyun and Kai, who is currently staying with them as there is some vacation in their school in Busan. Beomgyu loves those twins so much and they are like his friends and partners in crimes. After they came, he and those two are making pranks together and making Yeonjun and Soobin's life hell!

So while Beomgyu was telling those prank stories, Jungkook was laughing so hard and for sure, Soobin was sulking like an angry rabbit. It's too much work to maintain three brat's continuous pranks, you know?

-So you can imagine Yeonjun hyung's face after the whole bucket of flour fall into him! Hahaha...he was looking like a white angry bird...hehehe...' Beomgyu almost rolled down the ground again remembering the last nights prank and Yeonjun's shocked angry face!

Jungkook also laughed hard imagining, 'And Soobin hyung? What you guys did with him?' he asked while winking at Soobin and earned a sharp glare from him.

Beomgyu wiped his happy tears, 'Soobin hyung? Don't even ask...he couldn't sleep in his room cause we sprayed his most hated scent on his room...so he went sulking to Yeonjun hyung...hehehe.' he again laughed hard and this time Soobin smacked his head.

Soobin: Only that? You even scattered my pillows and whole room was looking like a war field! Uh....it's a night mare!' he sighed deeply and obviously frustrated of all the things.

Jungkook laughed and pinched Soobin's cheek, 'Hyung...to say the truth ...I really wanna do some pranks on you too...to see your sulking face!' he teased with a mischievous smile and Soobin glared.

Soobin: YOUU....come here you brat-' He gripped Jungkook's wrist pulling him to himself. Jungkook laughed and rolled on Soobin's lap. Soobin gave two playful swats on his butt and Beomgyu laughed on that, Jungkook whined a little.

Jungkook: hyungggg!

Soobin smirked, 'Wanna tease hyung more?'

Jungkook pouted, 'Meanie hyung.'

Soobin chuckled and hugged the boy closer. Jungkook also laughed and lay on the grass, putting his head on Soobin's lap while Soobin keep caressing his hair lovingly.

Jungkook closed his eyes with the feeling and smiled. Beomgyu and Soobin smiled too seeing his bunny smile and childish behavior.

Beomgyu: Hey Kookie? Wanna hear a song?

Jungkook nodded still closing his eyes, 'Yes!'

Beomgyu put his hands back and leaned on them, looking at the sky he hummed some tunes and then start singing in low tone_

"I hate New York City
All the lights are way too bright
Million people on the street
They're all living their own lives

And I'm a stranger
Just a face they'll never know
Somebody unimportant
People come and people go.....

The world's so big and I'm so small
The ocean's deep as the sky is tall
Sometimes I feel like I'm nobody at all

But you make me feel like I'm someone, you do...."

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