Chapter 18: Passing Grade

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"Uwaaah! I had enough!" Nee-chan wailed as she buried her face in my pillow. That night Nee-chan suddenly barged into my room and threw herself onto my bed. It seems like the intensive lessons for a few weeks made her stressed out. Maybe she just wanted to take it out on me by bothering me.

"Why not just hang out with your friends?" I asked while making tea for her.

"Occasionally I also want some 'me time'. We've studied so much that I'm getting sick of seeing my friends' faces, without any reason."

"Isn't that too much?"

"I don't care, that's how I feel. Where's my tea?"

"Yes, I'm working on it, be patient." I quickly finished her tea and then brought it to the table. Nee-chan lazily got off my bed and drank her tea.

"It's been a long time since we've spent time together," I said. "Want me to call Teiichi?"

"No, he'll probably just lecturing me to study harder. The mere image of his glasses pisses me off."

I'm also getting fed up with studying, but it's not fair if I set Teiichi aside for such trivial reasons. That's why I secretly sent Teiichi a message telling him to come. He said he would come after finishing some business.

" a movie or something. I'm bored."

"I don't have any new movies at the moment."

"Then games or anything else that is entertaining. I really need some refreshment."

"You never liked my games before," I said but I suddenly remembered that some time ago, I had bought a set of playing cards.

"How about playing cards?" I suggested.


I took the card that I kept on my desk. We play old maid. I slaughtered my sister 5-0 and she became even more cranky. After that, we heard the sound of a bell. Maybe it's Teiichi.

"Just come in, the door is not locked," I shouted and Teiichi came into the room.

"Why are you here?" Nee-chan exclaimed. "I told you not to call him here."

"What?" Taiichi was stunned. "What did I do?"

"Don't mind her Teiichi," I said. "She's just cranky because she lost the game."

"Shut up."

"What did you bring, Teiichi?" I saw Teiichi carrying some kind of big bag. I hope it's food.

"Ah, this? The vice president just came back from a field trip so she brought a cake as a souvenir for us."

"Cakes?" Nee-chan immediately brightened up. "Why didn't you say so? Come, let's eat together."

Her attitude goes full 180 when she heard the word cake. Usually Nee-chan bosses me around like a mother but there are times when she will act childish like this. When it happens, I can only shake my head at her behavior.

I also took a small plate and spoon. I also brought out canned drinks from the refrigerator. We divided the chocolate cake into three and we ate together. While eating, I notice that Teiichi looked a bit tired.

"You don't look so good, Teiichi. You're sick?" I asked.

"No, I'm just a little tired. The Student Council has been pretty busy lately."

"Why?" Nee-chan asked.

"Second-year student council members are on a field trip out of town so some of their work is being delegated to us. Lately, third-year senpais have been complaining a lot to the Student Council. Dojima-senpai is having a headache from it..."

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