Past revealed

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Himeko and Pom-Pom stopped what they were doing as they heard the sound of music playing. 

"Do you guys hear that?" March asked as she exited her room with Stelle in tow. "It's kind of relaxing," 

"It's not from the Phonograph," Pom-Pom said, waddling to the parlor car along with the group. Having nothing to do, the female nameless and Dan Heng entered the parlor, only to watch in awe at the sight of Welt Yang, nodding as their newest companion, aside from Stelle, sat behind a grand piano. 

The young man moved gracefully and fluidly as he let his hands play the notes of the music. 

"I see, so you were the one that wrote this song," Welt said.

"Yeah, I left the notes in my journal. Bronya probably found it and she must have used it." Cerberus replied as he finished playing the song. 

"You always were a good musician, only second to your skills in combat," Welt said, adjusting his glasses. "Although, you are a better geologist," 

"Well, I do cheat in that regard," Cerberus said with a smile. "Speaking of which, how were Bronya and Seele? Did they get married yet?" 

"Are they talking about Seele and Bronya?" 

"Can't believe Bronya made a gaming company and she even interned with you," Cerberus said with a mile. "Is that favoritism, Uncle Welt?" 

"Well, she is my student and successor," Welt said with a smile. "Just like you and little Reese,"

"One, that little shit is my niece. Two, Reese is a gremlin," Cerberus said with a smile, fondly remembering his niece and how excitable she had been. 

"Really? She perfectly reminds me of you when you were younger," Welt said with a smile before the mood turned somber. "And Kiana," 

"Kiana... huh?" 

"She helped raise Reese." 

"She did not take no for an answer, did she?" Cerberus said, his voice softening as he remembered his childhood friend.

"And you'll be in a world of hurt if she finds out that you proposed to Asta," the Herrscher of reason, said with a smile. 

"I doubt that," Cerberus said with a smile 

"Well, Kiana was one of the few that believed you were still alive," Welt said with a smile. "In fact, she worked hard and even has a unit named after you, Gaius company," 

"Hard to believe that Kiana, a girl obsessed with being a pervert towards Mei, could be so focused on a task,"  Cerberus said.

"Well, you spent 8 years in a seal," Welt said with a kind smile, shocking the audience. 

"8 years... it felt like a long time inside the seal," Cerberus whispered as he leaned back, falling off the stool only to float in the middle of the air. 

"Sealing an ancient and unstoppable force does that to you. And the fact that you are weaker now but still able to fight like you once did, it's still terrifying to think." Welt said with a smile. 

"My spear arm is still as strong and my swordsmanship skills got better." 

"But you're still better with a bow compared to them, after all, didn't you shoot down a god-like being with your bow and stone lances, oh, Herrscher of the Cosmos?" 

"Why, thank you for the compliment, Herrscher of Reason," Cerberus said with a smile as a pair of wine glasses appeared in his hand and Welt's own. Osmanthus wine filled the glasses as the former Geo Archon took the scent, reminiscing on days long gone, and with a sip, he found himself back in the express with just him. "Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember..." Stelle and the trailblazers blinked as they heard the sheer melancholy in Cerberus' voice. "But where are those who share the memory?" 

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