Unlovable (18+) - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader

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Sighing in response, he can't help but shake his head as he takes his hands from her face to pinch the bridge of his nose as he tries to work out just how she can be so oblivious to his feelings for her, "Angel, I'm going to let you in on a little secret and you're probably not going to believe me but know that I would never lie to you" he tries to reason with her, his voice wavering slightly as he speaks, "but it's not Nancy that I'm stuck on"

She gives him a pointed look, crossing her arms over her chest as she worries the plush of her bottom lip between her teeth. Steve, not stuck on Nancy, that had to be the biggest lie he'd ever told her even if he said he wasn't lying. From what he'd told her it was a messy break up and she was the one to end it, even going so far as to call their whole relationship 'bullshit', but Steve didn't give up, taking it upon himself to go to her house with flowers and practically beg her to get back together with him. Unfortunately for him that never happened.

"Nancy is great and I know I tried hard to make it work with her even after well everything but I didn't tell you the whole reason as to why we broke up" he sighed like this was hard for him to admit to and maybe it was because she'd didn't have a clue where Steve was headed with this right now but she waited patiently for him to speak, it was only fair as she'd said what she wanted to now it was his turn. "When she said our whole relationship was bullshit, she wasn't exactly lying" he says slowly, pausing to take a deep breath as his hand runs down his face. "I like Nancy, I do but not in the same way I knew she felt for me, well in the beginning anyway, you see I think I've always been in love with you and I didn't think that you would ever feel the same so I thought that I could move on and Nancy would fill that gap but I know now that was cruel of me to use her like that" he reveals, a sad smile on his face and she notices how his hands fidget with the duvet cover as he speaks.

It takes her a few seconds to process what he'd just said and even longer to believe it. He loves her, not Nancy, her. The smile lights up her face but he doesn't see it as now he's the one to drop his head as his eyes focus on the duvet cover that he's twisting in his hands. Without a second thought she leans closer to him, this time it's her hands guiding his face up and towards her own but he still can't quite meet her eyes not that that means anything as her eyes are already fluttering closed just as she softly brushes her lips against his. She pauses for a second to give him chance to pull away if this isn't what he wants but he doesn't, instead he's closing the miniscule gap between them and presses his lips more firmly into hers as he kisses her fiercely as if her kisses are the only thing keeping him alive.

She doesn't complain because she's been wanting this for just as long, if not longer than Steve has and she tries to pour all that into the kiss as if the one kiss is supposed to make up for all the time they've lost that they could've been doing this for. By the time they pull away, her lips are tingling and her chest is heaving from lack of oxygen but her eyes are shining brightly as she looks up at him and finds his expression mirroring her own.

"So does that mean I get to call you mine now?" he asks, his tone teasing but there's a lilt of nerves creeping in.

"I've always been yours Steve but I guess this makes it official" she giggles, sealing it with a chaste kiss to his lips which is followed by more giggles as he tries to follow her lips for more kisses and whines when she pulls out of his reach.

"Yeah? I like the sound of that" he hums, deciding he doesn't like the space between them as he pulls her closer until she's sitting atop his still crossed legs, "Now we just have to let people know" he smiles mischievously up at her seeing as she's now slightly taller than him from where she's sat on his lap.

"Oh yeah and what did you have in mind Ste-ah" she gasps as she feels his lips wetly pressing against the side of her neck as he mouths at her skin, soft sucking and nibbling that has shivers running down her spine and her eyes rolling back at the sensations. She finds herself holding onto his shoulders for support as she rolls her head further to the side to give him more room to kiss until he's happy with the marks he's left and he's pulling away to admire them and the girl in his lap.

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