Pumpkins? - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

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“What you got there, sweetheart?” Eddie asks, slightly amused as he lets himself into the backdoor of her house where he finds her standing behind the island in the kitchen as she waits for him. In front of her there’s what looks like a blanket obscuring two lumps beneath it and he has a feeling he knows exactly what she’s got. She’s been pestering him since the beginning of the month, not that he minds because she’s pretty cute when she’s excited, to go pick out pumpkins so that they could carve them together on a completely cliche fall date. He would never give her the satisfaction of knowing that he was already planning such a cliche date before she’d suggested it, instead letting her think she’d come up with a brilliant date idea just so he could see how happy it’d make her.

Her eyes sparkle along with the smile that lights up her face and it’s contagious as Eddie finds himself smiling along at her happiness despite not knowing exactly what she has planned. With extra flair as she knows Eddie has a thing for dramatics, she pulls the blanket from the counter like a magician revealing that he’s made objects disappear, only she’s revealing the two pumpkins she picked out earlier.

“Ta dah” she grins, bouncing on the balls of her feet from excitement as she wills Eddie to come closer a little bit faster. “I know we were going to go pick some together but I couldn’t help myself and these are just the perfect size and shape that I couldn’t pass them by” she explains, mouth running faster than he has a chance to keep up with although he gets the gist of what she is saying.

“And here I was thinking you wanted a cute date at the pumpkin patch, maybe I’ll just have to find someone else to take now you’ve been, hmm I wonder if Steve is free” Eddie teases, resting his hand under his chin as he pretends to think. Out of the corner of his eye he can see her face fall, a pout gracing her plump lips and he’s quick to drop the act, hating to see her upset even if he is just teasing. “I’m kidding sweetheart, do you really think I’d miss out on spending time with you?” He chuckles, wrapping his arms around her waist and drawing her into his chest as his lips find her forehead then pulling away with a loud ‘mwah’ sound which makes her laugh.

“Okay, okay now you’ve had your fun it’s time to start” she giggles, pushing at his chest in fake annoyance even though she loves being close to him and she knows that he knows it. “Just help me put this down first because if we stain anything my parents will kill me” she adds, waving the shower curtain? Or that's what it looks like to him, around before instructing him to lift each pumpkin.

“So do you have a plan or is it just kind of dig in and see what happens?” he asks, knowing that she’s probably got everything planned as usual. A trait that he loves about her, even though most of what he does is spontaneous, save Hellfire, yet they compliment each other so well.

Handing him one of the knives that laid out on the table, she sighs and rolls her eyes over exaggeratedly, “well we’ve got to take the insides out first and then we carve” she says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, even though she knows that’s not what Eddie meant, “but if you meant designs I’d hoped you had one picked out because I gave you plenty of warning” she joked making him laugh. She was right in giving him time to know that they were doing this but as for a warning they were doing it today that was debatable, “but if you don’t I sketched a few designs” she added.

“Wait you ‘sketched' some designs” Eddie asked amazed, he definitely wanted to see said designs because if there was one thing she wasn’t so great at it was drawing. Not that he was going to make fun of them, he treasured each and everyone that she gave him, he mainly wanted to see if he could guess what each drawing was.

“Yes and as long as you promise not to tease then I will show you them” she replied, successfully managing to get the top off the pumpkin that she was working on before she turned to him pointing the knife at him.

Despite knowing that she would never hurt him, he must admit that she did look rather menacing standing there with the knife pointing at him, "woah there, careful where you're pointing that" he said, gently reaching forward to take the knife from her hand, "because I know it's Halloween but we don't need any blood today" he laughs, using it to make a start on his own pumpkin, his own that she'd handed to him forgotten for the moment.

"Haha very funny" her tone was sarcastic but there was a smile on her face as she turned away from him and began to scrape the insides from the pumpkin.

To say they'd made a mess was an understatement, considering the cover they'd put down beforehand they'd still managed to get pumpkin seeds and the stringy bits all over the floor. As long as they cleaned them up before her parents got home then she doubted there would be any trouble though the way Eddie was going then they'd be lucky to finish before then.

"No Eddie" she squealed, backing away from him as he tried yet again to put his sticky hands on her to pull her in for a kiss, "I swear you're as bad as a child" she scolded, though there was no heat behind her words.

"But you love me" he laughed, finally getting his kiss as she crinkled her nose in disgust. Not at the kiss but the stickiness that now coated her cheeks.

"Unfortunately I do" she sighed, trying to hold back her laughter but failing as it bubbled out of her. "Come on, we're about ready to start carving" she urged as picked up one of the discarded knives, forgetting about her earlier admission to the drawings for the pumpkins.

Although Eddie hadn't and he was quick to remind her, "but I don't have a design" he tried with a soft pout on his lips as he made his eyes as big as possible as if she wasn’t going to show him anyway. "Yay" he cheers when she reaches over to pull a notebook out and he's quick to try and take it from her.

"Ah wash your hands first I don't want sticky prints all over the pages" she scolds, playfully slapping his hands away. She waits for him to wash his hands before she cleans her own, drying them before she turns her attention back to her book.

Eddie can't help it, when she turns to the page of her 'designs' he laughs. "I'm sorry but when you said designs I didn't think you meant different scary faces" his whole body is shaking from his laughter and it takes all his strength not to double over and make her feel bad when she was only trying to help.

"But they're just jack o lanterns. Why would it be anything other than a face?" She asks, a little confused as to his amusement.

"Sweetheart I love you" he chuckles, leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek before taking a closer look at the drawings that aren'ttoo bad considering some of her others, "and while you may think that others do some pretty creative things with their carvings" he explains, chancing a glance over at her as his words register.

"Oh so you don't want to do a face?" She asks.

"Oh I'm going to, I'm going to do this one" he smiles, pointing at the design where the face looks an awful lot like the Hellfire logo complete with horns.

"I thought you might like that one" she smiles knowingly, pushing the notebook so it sits between them and then reaching for one of the knives to begin carving.

"Oh you did, did you?" He taunts, only getting a 'mhmm' in response as she focuses on her pumpkin. He admires her concentrated features as she works, adoring the way her brow furrows and how her tongue pokes out from between her lips that he loves so much that he has to pull his gaze away from her otherwise the pumpkin won't get done.

They mainly work in silence, a few groans and curses when it doesn't go quite right but a few encouragements and kisses from the other then they're right back at it. It takes them about an hour in total to finish with something they are proud of, "You know I'm glad you talked me into this it was a lot of fun" he admits as they stand back to admire their work, sliding his arms around her as he pulls her close with a kiss to the top of her head.

"I'm glad you think so because now we gotta tidy up" she laughs at Eddie's groan of displeasure as he surveys the mess of orange littering the kitchen.

"Nah it was worth it" he shrugs after a few minutes, "just wait until the trick or treaters see them then we'll know" he laughs, reluctantly pulling away as she nudges him towards the mess, that he'd gladly make again just to make her happy.

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