Pretty Girl - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

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Sighing in relief as she caught sight of Gareth and the rest of the band setting up on stage, she knew she was in the right place at the right time. It’s not that she didn’t know where The Hideout was, it was just that she’d never been there before, obviously she was too young to go out drinking and well it wasn’t in a part of the town that her parents approved of her going, this late at night anyway.

Looking around the place, she caught sight of the bar and made her way over as inconspicuous as possible, not that it mattered because she stuck out like a sore thumb in her pleated skirt and blouse. She wishes that she’d thought this through fully before she’d come out, maybe tried to dress a little differently so that she would fit in with the rest that looked like they frequented this bar often.

Reaching the bar and trying to ignore the looks she was getting, she waited for the bartender to finish up serving a guy along the bar from her, who already looked like he’d had too much to drink, before she tried to order herself one. Taking one look at her the bartender raised his eyebrows suspiciously, “You lost darlin’?” he drawled, though she was certain that she caught him eyeing her up and down like a piece of meat and it made her skin crawl.

“Um m’here to see the band” she mumbled, losing what little confidence she’d had to come over here.

“You’re gonna have to speak up darlin’, can’t hear ya” he smirked and she couldn’t help but think that he was enjoying himself, maybe a little too much at her discomfort.

“I’m here to see the band” she said louder this time, her nerves getting the better of her and it ending coming out as more of a shout. She felt her cheeks heat as she heard the chatter in the room come to a stop and she could sense without having to look that all eyes were now focused on her. Just now beginning to realise how much of a mistake she’d made by coming here, she moves to turn, her sights set on the door so that she could escape whatever nightmare was waiting for her.

Before she got the chance to, she felt a gentle hand on her arm and she turned wide eyed to find Gareth looking down at her with concern etched onto his face. “Are you okay?” he asked, waiting for her confirmation, she nodded because she was fine just a little embarrassed for causing a scene. “Is there a problem?” he asked, turning back to the bartender who shook his head before Gareth steered her away towards a table closer to the stage and she assumed it’s so that he could keep an eye on her.

“So you came to see us play huh? Didn’t think this was your kind of thing” he enquired, taking a seat opposite her. Now Gareth didn’t know her very well but being neighbours and their parents being good friends, meant they grew up around each other and he liked her in a brotherly kind of way which is what drew him towards her the moment he’d seen what was going on.

“It’s not” she spoke quietly as she answered him, her head dipping as she did to hide whatever embarrassing colour her face had turned, “but I hear you guys practising all the time and you’re good so just wanted to see it in action I guess” she added. It came as a surprise to Gareth not that she heard them practising, no it’d be very hard to miss that, it was the fact she enjoyed their music.

Meanwhile, Eddie was up on stage completely oblivious to what had happened, his mind too focused on setting up their instruments for the show. What he didn’t expect to look up to was Gareth chatting with a girl, not that that was surprising, it was just that she looked like every other girl in this town who liked to pick on them for being different, so he wasn’t sure what was going on.

“What’s with Gareth and the pretty girl?” Eddie asked, crossing the stage to Jeff who was watching their friend just as curiously as him.

“Not sure, seems like she got into a bit of an argument with the bartender and he took off running” Jeff tells him, which only confuses Eddie even more, “she’s here to see us though” he adds, turning to face Eddie who looks even more shocked than he was before.

“Well I better go introduce myself to the pretty girl then, it’s only polite” Eddie smirks, nudging Jeff with his shoulder as he jumps from the stage and makes a beeline for Gareth and his mysterious girl.

As he gets closer to the pair he can hear their conversation, “you know if you’d have asked we could have given you a lift save you walking, I’m sure Eddie wouldn’t mind” Gareth is telling her and she smiles softly at him.

“I just didn’t know what you’d say, it’s not like I fit in with you guys” she’s honest and the sadness in her eyes pulls at something in Eddie. Not fit in with them, he likes to pride himself on being a home for any lost sheepies, out casts, anyone who doesn’t feel like they fit in anywhere else so to hear that she didn’t feel like she could come to them makes him want to prove her wrong.

“You going to introduce us to your friend here?” Eddie greets as he comes to a stop behind Gareth, clapping the younger boy on the shoulder as he flashes the brightest smile he can muster in her direction.

Rolling his eyes at his antics, Gareth introduces them both not that she didn’t know who Eddie was, it was kind of hard not to notice Hawkins High’s three time senior who had a preference for cafeteria speeches, rubbing the basketball team up the wrong way and his all out enthusiasm.

“I’m his neighbour” she explains, holding out her hand for him to shake and before she can have any regrets about it being to formal, he takes it but instead of shaking it as she’d expected him to, he brings it up to his lips instead and presses a kiss to the back of it. It draws a giggle from her and he can’t help but smile at how she’s beginning to relax around them. 

“Well m’lady it was nice to meet you but Gareth and I have a show to play” he smiles, letting go of her hand much to her dismay, although she tries not to show it. “And if you decide to stick around, a ride home is guaranteed” he winks as he lets Gareth push him along to the stage, clearly fed up with his antics.

“Don’t give her the wrong idea” Gareth warns lowly on the short walk back, his brotherly instinct kicking in again. He knows it’s just how Eddie is, he can come across as flirting without even knowing it sometimes but it doesn’t mean he can use it as an excuse when he inevitably breaks her heart.

“Of course not” Eddie agrees but if getting to know the girl leads to her stealing his heart, well he’s going to do all he can to let her know.

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