Insecurities - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader

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"Come on Steve please, any idea as to what they like to eat?" She pleads, desperation clear in her tone as she frantically paces around their kitchen, not that she gets far as it’s about five steps from one side to the other before she has to turn around and if Steve is being honest it’s making him a little dizzy.

They'd moved into this house together around a month ago, their shared savings and a little bit of help from their parents had made it possible for it to happen. It was small but neither of them minded as it was theirs and it meant no more living between two houses, no more awkward moments when they were almost interrupted when things got a little steamy between them or always feeling like they were being watched when their respective parents were home.

"I don't know, family dinners all together were not a common occurrence for me growing up, not like they were for you" he groans, her stressing was beginning to stress him out as well even though he had no idea what she was stressed about. It was just dinner with his parents. "What about lasagne? Or casserole? I'm sure they'll enjoy it either way so"

Her pacing came to an abrupt stop at his words, to which he was thankful for, but the interruption he was not ready for "but that's just expected I-I need to impress them show them that I can cook that I-"

Impress them? Steve was confused to say the least as he sat at the dining table listening to her ramble on about needing to cook the perfect meal. He couldn't let this go on any longer, he hated seeing her get upset and for it to be over such a minor thing, well to him anyway, it made his heart ache. Pushing himself up from the chair he strode over to her in a couple of strides.

"Baby where is this coming from?" He asks softly, his hands coming up to cup her cheeks as his thumbs soothingly brushed against the skin. He could feel her melt into his touch as some of the tension left her body just from the reassurance that she wasn't alone.

She gazed up at him, watery eyes meeting his worried eyes, "it's just it feels different since you asked me to marry you, I feel like I have to prove myself, to you, to your parents that I can look after us and any future grandchildren we may give them" she admits, hands fumbling with the ring sitting on her finger and it still feels kind of foreign like it shouldn't be there. Steve's eyes soften at her confession although the mention of children does surprise him a little bit and she can see it on his face, "Don't look at me like that I know all about your dream of six little nuggets and a winnebago" she says, a shy smile on her face as heat rushes to her cheeks.

"I know, I know just the first time you've brought it up that's all" Steve says, a happy smile on his face, "besides I know my parents already adore you trust me you'd know if they didn’t" he adds, his hands dropping from her face to rest on her waist.

"But how do you know?" She asks, frustration still present in her tone. The insecurity that she’s not good enough for him is still there even though he couldn't understand where this was coming from especially when he still wondered how he even got her to be his girlfriend let alone agree to marry him..

"Well they helped make this possible didn't they" he states, one hand moving from her waist for a moment to indicate that he was talking about the house, "and they are contributing to the wedding so trust me when I say they love you because if they didn't then they wouldn't be helping us" he reasoned, watching as his words settled with her and hoping that they do something to help ease her worries as he hates watching her suffering.

She looks up at him with a small smile on her lips, a smile that he matches before he leans down to press a kiss to her forehead, the tip of her nose, one to each cheek which makes her giggle before he finally kisses her on the lips. His lips sliding softly over hers as his hands rub soothingly up her back in one last attempt to quell anymore worries she has about this one dinner with his parents.

“I guess you’re right” she sighs as he pulls away but then carries on speaking before he can butt in with some witty comment about ‘how it is known to happen’, “I just don't want them thinking that I can’t take care of us, of our family even if it is only the two of us”

“Baby I know I may sound like I’m being dismissive and I know they’re my parents but they were rarely there for me growing up so I don’t think they should really have a say in whether or not you can care for a family” Steve proposes to her.

She knows what he means, knows that his parents put work commitments before him most of the time and he grew up mainly alone. She knows that it had an effect on his behaviour for most of his time at school, until he found people who he could truly call his friends that helped him understand what it is like to be loved, what it is like to care for someone. What it is like to be part of a family.

“Besides it’s not just down to you to take care of our family, we are the ones that make it so we should care for it together” he adds, a frown adorning his face and his lips all pouty and kissable that even though she knows he’s trying to be serious, she can’t help herself. She pushes up on her toes and kisses him, her eyes fluttering shut as their lips meet and this time she fully melts into it, no more worries about whether she’s good enough for his parents because she knows that she is more than enough for him and that is all that matters.

Smiling as she finally pulls herself away from him because she knows that she made the right choice when she chose him to spend the rest of her life with, a sentiment she hopes he shares although she has a feeling he does otherwise he wouldn’t have asked her to marry him. “I love you” she says giddily, adoring the way he looks at her, the same loving look that always gives her butterflies.

“I love you more” he replies cheekily, happy that she’s no longer stressing about things that shouldn’t matter but even more so that he gets to call her ‘his’. Cheesy as it is he’ll take it because he’s an idiot in love and no one can change that.

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