Snowed In - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

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“Oh look snow, maybe we’ll have a white Christmas after all” she gasped, watching as the white flakes fluttered all around the van as Eddie pulled out of the trailer park, “it looks like it’s getting heavier maybe we should have just stayed at the trailer” she worries as the flakes turned into a flurry all around them.

“Nah we’ll be fine, it’s just a little snow” Eddie says, dismissing her worries as he reaches over to place a gentle hand on her thigh in an attempt to soothe her. In the next few minutes he was starting to feel like she was right when the snow had gotten what seemed impossibly heavier than it already was. It was like someone had placed a white sheet in front of the windscreen and even with his headlights and the wipers going it was becoming near impossible to see what was ahead of them.

“Okay maybe we should turn ba-” Eddie was cut off when the van skidded on the icy road and all he could do was grip the steering wheel tightly in an attempt to keep some control of the direction they were headed in. Although it didn’t do much, seconds later the van crashed into a tree that he couldn’t see until they were right on top of it.

He was quick to call her name, turning in his seat as much as the seat belt would allow so that he could see her fully, “Baby are you okay, I’m so sorry, please tell me you’re not hurt oh god” he fusses, leaning over to her, ignoring the way the seat belt cuts into him as he does as his only focus is on her.

“Eddie I’m fine, I promise” she reassures him, “might have a couple of bruises off of the seat belt but other than that I think you helped lessen the impact by trying to keep us steady” she reasons as his hands find hers and she squeezes as he holds them.

“God I’m so stupid, I should have turned round the moment the snow got a little heavy” he groans, releasing her hand and using his own to rub over his face in annoyance.

"Yeah, driving through a snowstorm only to get stuck on the road hasn’t been your best idea.” she replies trying to keep the sarcasm out of her tone, knowing now definitely isn’t the time for it but she had tried to warn him.

“Maybe we could walk back, we can’t be that far from the trailer park” she suggests because without the engine in weather like this it was going to get cold fast and she didn’t want to freeze to death out here.

Eddie looked at her like she was crazy, “Definitely not we can’t see a thing out there, I don't even know where we are, we could end up lost in the woods and then we’d freeze to death even quicker” he responds, a chill already running down his spine now that the engine is no longer running. 

She didn’t respond, she knew that he was right but she still couldn’t shake the thought that they couldn’t just sit there and do nothing until the snow eventually stopped or someone found them. It was getting cold quickly now and they could both start to see their breaths clouding in front of them which was never a good sign but before she could start to panic Eddie was quick to action, climbing over the back of the seat and into the back of the van where he shuffled about for a little bit.

“Gotcha” he exclaimed, his face just about visible in moonlight as he made his way back to her with blankets clutched tightly in his hand, “I didn’t take them out after our trip to lovers lake last week so they maybe a little muddy still but they should help” he smiled, settling himself back into the driver's seat.

“Now get your cute ass over here” he joked, patting his lap before reaching over for her but she gave him a suspicious look and he laughed, knowing what it looked like he was asking for. “That’s not what I’m after sweetheart although when we finally get back to the trailer we could” he chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at her as she slapped his hands away, feigning disgust at his insinuation.

He wasn’t put off by her actions, still reaching for her as they laughed. “However, I am serious about you coming over here, if we share body heat we’ll stay warm for longer” he explained and finally she let him help her over so that she could situate herself in his lap.

She found herself straddling his lap, her legs bent at the knees as she faced him. Their chests pressed together as he draped a blanket over her back, instructing her to take the edges in her hands as she wrapped her arms around his waist while he manoeuvred a second blanket behind his own back, jostling her until he himself was situated with the blanket.

“This is better” he sighed, wrapping his arms around her back so that he could hug her but also so that their little cocoon was sealed and hopefully trap what little warmth was left between them.

“Yeah but let’s hope whoever finds us doesn’t think we’re being indecent” she jokes, resting her head in the crook of his neck as her skin tingles as the warmth begins to return to her.

She doesn't remember falling asleep and from the way Eddie jerks beneath her, he doesn’t either but the knocking on the window of the van has them both startled. Slowly they turn, unsure of what or who they are going to find on the other side but once they see Hopper’s concerned face on the other side of the glass they let out a sigh of relief.

“Come on let’s get you two home and we’ll have the van towed in the morning” he says, helping her down from Eddie’s lap and the van. With the blanket wrapped tight around her she follows him back to his car with Eddie close behind and she doesn’t think either of them have been so happy to see anyone in their lives.

Stranger Things OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora