Teach Me How To Kiss - Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader

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Sighing, she crossed her arms as she leaned back against the side of Eddie's van. School had finished about fifteen minutes ago yet he was nowhere to be seen when usually he would be the one in her position, grumbling about her being late when he doesn't want to spend any more time there than absolutely necessary.

It was another 10 minutes before Eddie finally strolled across the carpark towards his van, the car park was now pretty much empty so he was easy to spot, not that she wouldn't have easily found him in a crowd anyway because he wasn't easy to miss. The smile falling from his face when he saw her standing there, upon checking his watch a look of guilt took over as he rushed the rest of the way back to the van muttering out apologies as he unlocked it for her to get in.

"So you going to tell me where you were?" She asked as he finally put the van into gear and drove out of the car park. Her eyes never left his face but he refused to look at her, instead opting to keep his eyes on the road but she swore she could see his cheeks flame. Ah so that's where he snuck off to. She chuckled to herself as she refused to drop the subject and decided to tease him instead, "You weren't with a pretty little blonde by any chance were you?"

Eddie spluttered, covering it up with a cough as his hands gripped the wheel tighter and that was all the answer she needed. He and Chrissy Cunningham had been having these secret little rendezvous for months now, out the back of the school in the little wooded area where someone had conveniently placed a picnic bench. She was the only one that knew about the two of them and it took her about two months of constant pestering to get the truth out of him as to where he kept sneaking off to. He also made her promise to keep her mouth shut about it so that no-one, well mainly Jason, found out about them because neither of them knew what would happen as he was still pretty bitter about Chrissy breaking up with him and last she'd heard he was still trying to get her back.

"So were you?" She pushed after all she received was silence, she knew it was the only way to get the truth out of him.

"Fine yes I was, happy now" he snapped, momentarily taking his eyes off the road to glare at her. His snappy mood didn't last much longer as a grin lit up his face, "we're going on a date actually" he confessed, eager to share the news.

"No way" she breathed, eyes wide and mouth agape as she stared at her best friend. Oh how the tables turned she only wished she would get the chance to be there when Jason eventually finds out that his cheerleader girlfriend left him for Eddie 'The Freak' Munson. Life really did have a way of giving to those who deserved it and god knows Eddie deserved to be happy, truly happy. "I'm so happy for you" she smiled, reaching a hand out to rest on his shoulder.

The soft smile Eddie gives her in return makes her heart melt, "Although" he says softly his smile faltering slightly as she watches the self doubt cloud his face, "I'm nervous I really don't want to fuck this up like what if she decides she doesn't like me, do we kiss on a first date, I don't know how to kiss" he rambles, fingers drumming against the steering wheel as he's stopped at a red light.

"You know how to kiss, dummy," she teases, trying to lighten his mood, "You've kissed people before" she reminds him before listing of names of girls he's either told her about or that she's walked in on him with, although none of them wanted anything more than the thrill of one night with him which was ridiculous because when Eddie loved he loved with his full heart, it was all or nothing. Even as his best friend she'd experienced it first hand just how far Eddie was willing to go for those he cared about but just because he didn't fit the norm, people tended to avoid him so she hoped Chrissy wasn't going to be the same although she had a feeling she wasn't.

"Yeah but not someone I care about like this" Eddie revealed, she could see he was flustered and she wasn’t sure if she would be able to help him alone but she knew someone who could help.

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