Presents - Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader

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She thanked Robin's mom as she headed for the stairs up to Robin's room in hopes of finding Robin. Halfway up them though she could hear the rustling of paper coming from the direction of her room so she knew she was home she just didn't know what she was up to.

Coming to a stop outside of the door, she noticed the door wasn't fully closed like she thought it was and through the gap, she could see her sitting on the bed with a roll of wrapping paper in front of her, muttering frustratedly to herself. Trying the door handle, she gently pushed the door but before it could fully open it was blocked and as it swung closed again she assumed it was Robin given the scrambling and tearing of paper she heard before the quiet 'oof' as Robin's body hit the door.

"No, don't come in," Robin yelled from the other side of the door and she couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her lips at the slightly panicked tone.

"Robin, it's me" she spoke, waiting for the door to open and seeing Robin's head pop through the gap as it did. Looking down the hall to make sure it was clear; she opened the door just wide enough so that she could pull her through it before slamming it shut behind her.

"Jesus don't scare me like that" Robin softly scolded as she flopped back down onto her bed, careful to avoid the wrapped presents.

Looking around the room, she could see torn up bits of wrapping paper, balled up pieces of tape and random bits of curling ribbon that she had tied around each present. "Your room is a mess" she laughed, turning back to a frustrated Robin who was pulling a piece of stray tape out of her hair.

"I know but who would've thought it would be so hard to wrap these damn presents" she huffed, shuffling over on the bed a little so that she could join her.

"I could help if you want" she offered, with a shrug adding a small, "I don't mind"

Robin laughed at that, "You sure you just don't want to see if any of these are for you" she joked, laughing even harder when she asked if they were, "No yours is hidden away so no sneak peaks for you" she said, following her words by sticking her tongue out at her.

“Shame, there’s no reason for me to stay then I guess I’ll go” she teased the brunette next to her, giggling to herself when Robin grabbed her arm to stop her moving.

“No please stay, with your help it shouldn’t be too long and then we can have movie night as we planned” she urged, almost as if she believed that she was just going to up and leave.

“How can I say no to that” she smiled, watching as Robin relaxed as she realised that she was only joking.

“You’re mean” she pouted, brows furrowing as she looked at her, “and to think I got your favourite movie”

“That’s because you’re the best” she smiled nudging Robin who smiled back at her, “now let me help because you definitely need it” she teased again, this time earning herself a crumpled up ball of paper to the face causing both of them to laugh before they finally started wrapping the last few presents.

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