Unlovable (18+) - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader

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She was studying or that's what she'd told herself anyway. The truth was her textbooks and notes from class were spread out around her on top of the duvet but she hadn't touched a single one of them since she'd laid them down. It had been her intention to study, with finals coming up she wanted to be prepared but within ten minutes or so she'd already zoned out and had been for the past, well she wasn't sure how long it had been as she didn't even know what time it was now. All she knew was that her vision was hazy, her eyes had long since glazed over with unshed tears and her legs ached from however long she'd been sat crossed legged on the bed.

It wasn't until Steve's greeting that she'd realised what she was doing but then it was too late to hide it because Steve had already seen and the look of concern he was sporting was enough to make her feel worse than she already was. "Angel what's wrong?" he asked, his voice soft as he spoke and not even his childhood nickname for her cheered her up.

When she didn't answer, he carefully shifted her papers and books and moved them over to her desk out of the way so that they didn't get messed up as he knew she still needed them. Then he climbed onto the bed, sitting in front of her in the same crossed legged position as his hands reached out to gently brush against her legs. "You know you can tell me anything, right? We're best friends it's what I'm here for" he reassured and then in one last ditch attempt to make her smile he added, "I'm sure it can't be any worse than that ridiculous crush you had on Billy Hargrove"

A small watery laugh left her lips at the thought, although he couldn't have been further from the truth as it was never Billy she'd had a crush on, she'd just told him that so he'd stop asking her. It was short lived, the laughter as she lifted her head to finally meet his eyes, those soft brown eyes looking at her with nothing but softness, drawing her in and almost making her forget why she was upset.

"Am I really so unlovable?" she blurts out, unable to keep it to herself any longer.

"Of course you're not, where is this coming from" he asks, brow furrowed in confusion as his head tilts a little to the right as he waits for her to continue.

"Is it not obvious, I mean all the boys I try to get to know only want one thing from me and then they leave as soon as they get it. And the only one I have ever truly had real feelings for doesn't even like me that way, instead he's stuck on someone who's smarter, prettier and all round better than me in every way" she rambles, a stray tear falling from her eyes which he's quick to wipe away with a gentle swipe of the pad of his thumb against her cheek.

"Hey don't say that, you're smart and pretty and there is no one that compares to you, alright Angel?" he questions as his hand moves from her cheek to rest under her chin as he lifts her head from where she's dropped it so that she can see in his eyes that he means every word.

"Don't-Don't do that" she shakes her head as he asks her what she means, "Say stuff like that, give me hope that you actually mean it and like me the way I like you because it's just cruel Steve. I'm barely holding on right now and you lying to me might just push me over the fucking edge so please just don't" she manages to get out, pushing his hands away from her and furiously wiping at her eyes in a feeble attempt to hide the tears that are now falling freely.

Her confession seems to have rendered Steve speechless as the pieces fall into place and she half expects him to just get up and walk out because clearly she just ruined their friendship, dropping that on him like that when he doesn't like her back. Only he doesn't move, not away from her anyway but she does feel the bed shift seconds before she feels his hands on her face again, holding her so that she can't look away from him.

"So you're telling me that you love me?" he questions, his voice and his face giving no indication to what he's thinking and figuring she can't ruin this any more than she already has, she doesn't lie to him as she nods in answer. "And the girl that I'm supposedly stuck on, who you think is in your words 'smarter, prettier and all round better than you' is Nance?" he asks just for clarification to make sure he's understanding her, even though he already knows the answer before she nods.'

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