Snowflakes - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

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“Hey sweetheart come here, you’re gonna love this” Eddie called, he’d been on his way to the bathroom when he passed the door to the back porch and through the small window had seen the soft white flakes beginning to fall. They’d have probably noticed it earlier had they not both been wrapped up in the new books they’d gotten earlier in the day and from his position by the back door he could just to say see her through the crack in the door he’d tried to leave closed to keep whatever heat was in there trapped because it was freezing in the trailer.

Lifting her head to look to the doorway, she couldn’t see him but she’d heard him. “What is it?” she asked, almost reluctant to leave her book as she was too wrapped up in the romance of the story, yes it was a romance and Eddie had made fun of her for it as they’d left the bookstore. He’d picked up the new fantasy novel that he’d been talking about for weeks as she had with her book but she knew it was only to tease and that he actually enjoyed hearing her talk about it even though he would never admit it.

“Come here” he insisted in reply to her question, chuckling softly to himself as he watched her let out a sigh before rolling off of his bed. When she emerged from his room she was less than impressed with being disturbed but once her eyes found what he’d been trying to show her, a smile lit up her face.

“It’s snowing” she shouted rather loudly considering there were only the two of them but he supposed it was her excitement taking over. Looking around wildly she mumbled about needing to find her shoes but Eddie stopped her before she could run off.

“Woah where do you think you’re going sweetheart” he asked, amused but also a little concerned that she’d freeze to death out there if she didn’t put her coat on as well.

She pouted up at him, “The snow Eddie, I wanna-” she explained trying to pull out of his grasp, which isn't a hard thing to do as he wasn’t holding her tight it was only to get her attention. Forgetting about his need to use the bathroom for now, he followed closely behind her, watching as she slid her feet into her boots that had been left by the front door and then made her way outside. She was quick to get down the porch steps and Eddie noted the way she practically bounced down them as he watched from the doorway.

She didn’t go far from the porch, only a couple of steps but that was all she needed to be enveloped in the falling snow. Lifting her head towards the sky, she closed her eyes as a smile took over her face as she relished in the feeling of the soft flakes fleetingly landing on her skin before her body heat melted them. Eddie stood and watched her for the few minutes she stood there motionless in the snow, chuckling to himself when she eventually moved spinning in circles, her tongue out catching the snowflakes.

When she stopped she was dizzy with the motion, her fingers starting to tingle from the cold as she turned back to Eddie, “Come join me” she called.

Eddie hesitated for a second, if any of his neighbours looked out the window they’d surely think that they were two idiots prancing about in the snow in the dark. Though the thought was fleeting, he chastised himself for thinking it, he was Eddie Munson so when did he ever care what anyone thought about him and if his girl wanted him to join her in the snow then he was going to join her. Fuck what anyone else thought of them.

Pulling on his own shoes, he made his way down the porch steps towards her until she was within arms reach when he wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up and spinning her around until she was giggling and begging to be put down. Lowering her back down to the ground and making sure that she had her footing before he loosened his grip he smiled down at her, “ so you really like snow, huh?”

“I love snow” she corrects, sticking her tongue out at his teasing which only makes him laugh.

“God, you’re such a child”

“Yeah but you love me” she smiles innocently up at him, fluttering her lashes for extra dramatics which she knows Eddie has a flair for.

“Yeah I do, now let's get you back inside before you turn into an ice block” Eddie chuckles, feeling the shivers set into her body and even though she pouts up at him, she agrees as she lets him lead her back into the trailer where they resume their earlier positions but this time they’re tucked up under his duvet in attempt to warm up.

Stranger Things OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora