The Freaks Girlfriend- Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

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She heard Jason before she saw him. His voice rising above the others in the noisy cafeteria or maybe she only thought that because she was expecting Jason to say something. Holding Eddie’s hand a little tighter, she felt him give her hand  a reassuring squeeze before they both turned to face Jason.

“What you doing with the freak?” he questioned, eyes boring into hers without sparing Eddie any acknowledgment other than the insult. This time it was her turn to give Eddie’s hand the reassuring squeeze, knowing how much the name calling did get to him even though he wouldn’t let it show, especially around Jason. “You know you belong here with us” he states, gesturing towards the rest of the cheerleaders and basketball team sitting around the table. It was true she was expected to sit with them being a cheerleader after all but there was only so much gossip she could take, not to mention some of the pig-headed arrogant members of the basketball team, like Jason.

“He’s not a freak,” she spits, anger bubbling up inside her at how Jason and everyone else for that matter could hate Eddie when they didn't even know him. "And I don't belong to anyone, it's my choice where to sit and I choose to sit with Eddie" she fires back, making a move to turn away from him so that they could go sit down but Jason's response stops her in her tracks.

"So defensive it's not like the two of you are dating-" Jason stops suddenly realising the obvious when his eyes drift down to where hers and Eddie's hands are still linked. "Wait, please tell me you're not dating someone like him," he says, disbelief written across his face.

Slowly looking up at Eddie, a small smile stretches across her face as her eyes plead with him. It had been his idea to keep their relationship a secret, one she had tried to convince him out of. At first she'd been worried that he was embarrassed to be seen with her, that it would ruin his image to be seen with a cheerleader but his reasoning was the exact opposite. He wanted to protect her from the insults and the constant harassing that he faced on a daily basis, he didn’t want her to have to deal with that too for only dating him. Reluctantly she agreed and only a few people knew about them, the hellfire club for one as she'd been to a few of their meetings and at first they were hesitant about her being there but soon they realised that she was nothing like the mean stuck up cheerleader they expected and they welcomed her warmly into the group.

Eddie let out a small sigh but nodded, there was no reason to hide now. Her face split into a wide grin as she turned her attention back to Jason, "yes in fact I am dating him" she confirmed, loving the way the smirk fell off his face.

"You could do so much better than him," Jason says shaking his head.

"Really!? Like who?" She asks, curious as to what he's getting at but also tired of his constant berating of Eddie. When Jason finally reveals who he had in mind she can't help but laugh, "You? I don't think so besides don't you already have a girlfriend? How is Chrissy?" She asks, feigning innocence as if Chrissy wasn't sitting a few feet away watching this all play out.

Mentioning Chrissy was definitely a low blow and she did feel a twinge of guilt but not for calling out Jason, for bringing Chrissy into it. Chrissy was the only girl on the cheer team that she genuinely liked and she was going to apologise to her later for it.

"If you're so happy together then why all the secrets, you sure you're not embarrassed to be seen with him" Jason responded and she knew it was a last ditch effort to get back at her for showing him up in front of his friends. 

She didn't reply to him, instead letting go of Eddie's hand she walked straight past Jason, using his chair as a step to get up on the table, ignoring the protests as she kicked people's lunches on her way up. Clearing her throat she looked around, sending a wink towards Eddie who was looking up at her amused but confused at the same time.

"Students of Hawkins," she called, waiting for the room to quieten before she carried on, "I'd like to let you all know that I am Eddie Munsons' girlfriend, that is all now you can go back to your lunches" she announced, taking an overly exaggerated bow before walking back to the edge of the table to find Eddie, a ridiculously large grin on his face as he looked up at her proudly with an outstretched hand to help her down from the table.

"Nice speech" is all he says once her feet are back on the floor, though he doesn't let go of her hand as they turn back to where Jason is standing. It takes all her willpower not to burst out laughing at the complete look of disbelief on Jason's face as they pass by him without a second glance and take a seat at the table with the rest of the hellfire club.

"Did you see his face when you walked past him I swear I saw him flinch as if you were going to hit him" Mike laughed.

"Yeah but getting up there and announcing it to the whole school" Dustin started but got interrupted by Gareth who teased about who might have inspired the move which caused the whole table to laugh, "Eddie I swear she's more metal than you" Dustin finally finished, only partially teasing the older boy next to her.

Eddie only stuck his finger up in response but there was a smile on face that morphed into a smirk when he turned his attention to her, "I guess now you'll be forever known as the freaks girlfriend"

"Mhmm but it's all worth it" she smiles, leaning forward to plant a kiss on his cheek reveling in the feeling of being able to do it without worrying about being caught. The look on Eddie's face before he pulls her in for a proper kiss tells her he's feeling the same and that he's going to take advantage of it at every chance he gets from now on.

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