Would You Love Me? - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

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"Sweetheart? Baby? Love of my life?" Eddie called from his spot on the couch, his voice loud and dramatic in the small space of the trailer, considering she was only in the kitchen a few feet away from him. It was how he'd been all day though so it didn't surprise her much, it was actually quite amusing to listen to all those crazy things that came out of his mouth.

"Yes, my love" she replied, leaning against the counter closest to him, chin resting on her clasped hands while her elbows rested against the counter top as she waited to hear what it was this time.

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" he pouted, eyes wide and glossy as he turned his head to stare over at her.

"Would I still love you if you were a worm?" she repeated slowly, unsure if she'd heard him right. To be honest if she hadn't had been with him all day she'd have wondered if he was high and it wasn't like he would have snuck off to light a blunt without offering for her to join him so she could say with certainty that he wasn't. When he hummed in response, she shook her head to try to suppress the smile that was trying to work its way onto her face as she pushed away from the counter and made her way over the short distance towards him.

Eddie's eyes followed her movements across the trailer until she came to a stop in front of him, climbing onto his lap and straddling him without warning which only made his eyes grow wider. A feat which she didn't think was possible. Gently she took his face in her hands, slowly guiding his face to the left and then to the right as she let her eyes scan his face.

"What're you doing?" he mumbled as his hands dropped to rest on the plush of her thighs, fingers digging in as though trying to ground himself under her unexpected scrutiny.

"Just checking" she tried to reassure him as her hands left his face to run through his hair, her nails scratching lightly over his scalp and she could feel his body shudder beneath her followed by his suddenly shaky voice.

"For what?"

"To see if you've bumped your head, you're talking an awful lot of bullshit today" she giggled, pulling her hands away as she watched his mouth drop open like something out of a cartoon which only made her laugh harder.

"Rude" he gasped as he finally pulled himself back together, his hands drifting from her thighs up to her sides before she could even realise what he was about to do and by then it was too late. His fingers dug into her sides tickling her as she squirmed and wriggled in his lap trying to get away from his attack although it only served to his advantage as she fell sideways onto the couch next to him.

She gasped for breath as the laughter had gotten the best of her but before she could make a break for it, he was on her, this time straddling her thighs while his bent knees rested either side of her so that his whole-body weight was not crushing her. He wasted no time in pushing her shirt further up from where it had already risen in her fall and then he was leaning down blowing raspberries on the soft pouch of her tummy as he hands pushed against him in a feeble attempt to push him away.

"No please stop" she panted between heavy breaths and giggles, desperately trying to get away from his mouth but his hold on her was too strong.

“Not until you apologise for being mean, sweetheart” he says, giving her a momentary break from his onslaught before he’s licking his lips and going back to the tickling as he meets her eyes, seeing her defiance slowly melt away as she gives in.

“Okay, m’sorry, sorry, please, didn’t mean it” she huffs, never breaking eye contact as her eyes plead with him as well as her words.

Leaning down to blow one last raspberry which makes her squeal, he finally relents as he readjusts his body so that he’s laying beside her, half his body on the couch and half on her as his head rests in the crook of her neck with his curls tickling her unintentionally. “You know you still didn’t answer my question” he mumbles as he hears her breathing regain its usual rhythm.

“You mean the one where you hypothetically turn into a worm?” she questions, feeling his head moving in what she assumes is him nodding. “Well it depends how would little worm you feel about living in a little tank on my bedside?” she teases, easing a hand through his hair again and feeling him melt into her. It always amazed her how he could go from wild and energetic to completely pliant against her in such a short space of time but she took it as a compliment that he felt comfortable enough with her to be vulnerable like that.

“Little worm me?” he lifted his head from where it rested so that he could meet her eyes again and swirling within the depths of them was something she couldn’t quite place but under his gaze she could feel her want to tease him slipping away. “Well he’d love you for taking care of him even though he’s a little strange” he says with a shrug as he finally drops his eyes from hers and goes back to resting his head in the crook of her neck.

“Well it’s a good thing that I’d love you no matter what, even if you did manage to turn into a worm” she smiles as his words sink in and she realises that he wasn’t talking hypothetically, though she still does wonder where he got the question and she asks despite having an inkling as to where it came from.

“Dustin, Lucas and Mike” he says with a laugh as he recalls the story of them at lunch earlier in the week, “yeah apparently El had been confused as to how Mike could turn into a worm and kept asking him how it happened; Suzie had told Dustin it was a stupid question and well Max just straight up said no, Lucas’ face had been a picture when he told us”

“So I think it’s clear I have the best girlfriend” he jokes, sliding his arm over her middle as he sighs contently, cuddling closer into her side and closing his eyes. 

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