In The Library - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

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It wasn’t her fault honestly, she had checked before she had started to reverse her wheelchair out of the narrow gap between the library shelves, it was clear when she’d started to move and she was almost out when something or should she say someone collided with her wheelchair. The collision was hard enough to almost tip the chair so she could only imagine how much it actually hurt whoever it was.

The responding groan followed by a couple of winded coughs was enough to answer her question though as she came face to face with Eddie Munson when she turned to apologise. Sitting there with wide eyes as she felt her palms becoming clammy as she wondered how he would react, maybe he would yell at her as most people did when she got in their way. Although she uses the phrase lightly as her being in a wheelchair always seems to be such an inconvenience for other people despite it being a minor blip on their life compared to it being her way of life.

Eddie, for all people gossiping about him being a devil worshipper and a vessel for Satan, surprises her by doing the opposite. He apologises, profusely.

“Are you okay?” she asks, skipping over his apology even though hope blossoms inside her that maybe he’s not as scary as everyone makes him out to be. Eddie stops talking mid apology and stares blankly at her as though he didn’t hear what she just said so she repeats her question a little more slowly so that he doesn't miss it again. She can’t help the small smile that graces her face as she waits for his answer, although she does try to keep her mind from wandering to the fact that Eddie is adorable because she knows well enough that a guy like him would never be interested in her so there is no point getting her hopes up.

“Am I okay? I almost tipped you out of your chair should you not be yelling at me right now” he asks, disbelief written plainly across his face at how calm she is.

“Me? Usually I would be the one getting yelled at for being in the way in this situation” she replies with a laugh that he joins in with, both of them not quite sure what’s going on but both sure that they are making a fool of themselves. “I was serious though, you did get hit pretty hard” she asks again once the laughter has subsided.

“I’m good, m’sure I’ve had worse hits than that” he shrugs as if it’s nothing but it does leave her wondering what he means by it.

A silence follows as Eddie stands there awkwardly as if waiting for her to move, though he’s still kinda in the way and she’s not able to move without hitting him, again. Just as she’s about to ask him if he doesn’t mind moving so that she can move from between the shelves he speaks again, “Do you-uh do you need any help?” he asks, his brow furrowed as he brings a hand up to run it nervously through his curls. The smile falls from her face at his offer, she’s not annoyed so to say but she knows she’s more than capable of getting herself around without someone pushing her, and Eddie must realise what his offer sounded like as he is quick to clarify. “I didn’t mean I uh meant the books, I can’t imagine it's easy trying to get about while making sure they don’t fall” he says, his hand moving to rub over his face as his cheeks tint a pale pink colour.

“If you don’t mind” she smiles, offering the boy a lifeline and he takes the books from her with a smile, “and you’re right the school didn’t exactly design the library with wheelchair users in mind so it’s hard enough getting around with two hands let alone one” she adds, feeling at ease chatting with him as if she’d known him for years.

“Yeah well this school isn’t exactly known for it’s inclusivity if you get what I mean” he says with a roll of his eyes and she nods, she knows exactly what he means. A lot of students, even teachers, find an excuse to pick on those that are different and even though she and Eddie experience it in different ways it still seems like they have something to bond over.

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