Backfired - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

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Follow on from Psycho.....

"Dustin" she tried to keep her voice from shaking as she approached the younger boy at his locker, Eddie's checked shirt from the night before folded neatly in her hands, a tightly folded apology note tucked into the chest pocket that the curly haired boy didn't need to know about.

He smiled happily as he turned to face her, closing his locker in the process. Clearly given the look on his face he hadn't heard yet about what went down last night because he would definitely be asking her about it right now. "Can you give this to Eddie for me and tell him that I'm sorry" she asked quickly, thrusting the shirt into his hands and while he was distracted by looking down at the shirt, she made her escape to avoid the impending questions he was bound to ask.

She was halfway down the hallway when she heard him shout her name but she didn't look back, instead pressed forward quicker to get to her first class and she slid into her seat just as the late bell rang.

By the time lunch came she was exhausted after having carefully planned routes to get to class in hopes of avoiding Eddie and more so Jason after her display the night before, and after successfully being the last one in and first one out of class she had managed to do so. Sighing in relief as she settled herself in the back corner of the library, feeling like she could breathe for the first time today because there was no way anyone would come looking for her in there but it also meant she was free from whispered rumours and judgemental looks from peers, most of which hadn't even been there and yet were still sprouting lies about her.

Lunch for Eddie was a very different matter entirely, he hadn't even been able to walk through the doors of the cafeteria before Jason and his goons were on him. The hateful nonsense about him he could handle but the names they were calling her were downright disgusting and none of which was true, so to say he was relieved when he reached the sanctuary of the Hellfire table was an understatement.

Or it was until Dustin arrived, practically throwing the checked fabric across the table to him with a look that said 'what did you do' that Eddie's breath faltered, she'd spoken to Dustin and avoided him all day so it couldn't be good. "You fucker, what did you do?" Dustin said, rather too loudly for the cafeteria and drew even more attention to their table than usual.

"You don't know?" Mike asked from his usual seat beside the curly haired boy and when Dustin shook his head in response the whole table stared at him as though he had two heads, which was a look he was accustomed too but not from his friends.

"So you haven't heard the rumours" Jeff asked, again Dustin shook his head no.

"So what the fuck do you know" Eddie huffed, he was getting agitated now because the girl he'd had a crush on had kissed him and then ran off and now here he was getting his shirt returned by a know it all freshman who normally he was quite fond of but now was pissed at.

"I know that she was meant to play with you guys last night and now this morning she looked like all she wanted to do was cry so I'll ask again what the fuck did you do?" Dustin uttered, his frustration seeping into every word as his eyes narrowed on Eddie.

"That's the thing he didn't do anything" Gareth urged, jumping to Eddie's defence as Dustin muttered what sounded like bullshit. "Seriously she got up on stage, she sounded amazing and then at the end she kissed him before running away, we didn't even know she was going to do it" he continued, sparing an apologetic glance towards Eddie for making him relive it again.

"You must have been a really bad kisser then to make her wanna cry" Dustin deadpanned before groaning as Mike's elbow dug painfully into his ribs, although he wasn't surprised to find out that she had kissed Eddie, to him it was clear to see that each of them had fallen for the other.

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