Christmas Morning - Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham

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The room was still dark when she was woken by the loud banging of the bedroom door hitting off the wall. The sound was followed by the soft yet quick footsteps racing into the room and in the dim lighting when she peaked over the top of the duvet, Chrissy could see the dark bouncing curls of their four year old and the door swinging on its hinges behind her. She had no idea what time it was but it was definitely still early, sneaking a glance over at Eddie she found him with his eyes still closed and his bare chest softly rising and falling. He was still asleep, how she had no clue but it wouldn't be for long if their daughter had her way.

She could hear her still pacing the room, probably trying to decide how to wake them up and Chrissy was surprised she hadn't just screamed 'mommy' 'daddy' as she had done the previous year. Instead she felt the duvet being tugged and the mattress dipping ever so slightly under her small form as she climbed up onto the bed. Bracing herself ready for the moment that she pounced, knowing that it was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened although it still didn't quite prepare her for the knees in her belly or elbows in her ribs, luckily the blow was dampened slightly by the duvet but it still knocked the air from her for a minute.

"You know that wasn't very nice baby" Chrissy softly scolds when she recovers, a hand reaching over to brush the messy curls out of her face only to be met with small pouty lips and wide chocolate coloured eyes that looked so much like her dad's that Chrissy found it hard to be annoyed with her. Something that was also true with Eddie when he looked at her like that and sometimes she felt as though it was as if she was a clone of him rather than his daughter because of how similar they looked.

"But Santa! Presents!" She exclaimed, her voice loud in the quiet of the room yet still not loud enough to wake Eddie, who was still peacefully sleeping next to them.

"It's still early baby how do you know he's been yet" Chrissy tried to reason with her, though she knew it was futile, another trait of Eddie's she'd picked up was his stubbornness. The small girl didn't budge, still adamant that it was time to get up. Sighing she looked over at the clock, 5.30am, could have been worse but the dark winter mornings were ones that she wishes she could sleep away. "Daddy's still sleeping, we'll have to wait for him to wake up, we can't have him missing it" Chrissy said softly, but before she could add that they should go back to sleep until he wakes, the small girl was already moving off her lap and crawling across the small space between her and Eddie.

"Daddy" she tried, her small hand poking at his cheek but Eddie didn't stir. She tried it again, a bit louder this time and a bit harder with her prodding but it only yielded the same outcome from Eddie. Except Chrissy didn't miss the way that Eddie's lips twitched into a small smile, he was only pretending to be asleep and she could only guess at what he was waiting for.

Still undeterred by her dad's lack of movement, she tried again but this time as she stretched out her hand to poke his cheek again, Eddie's eyes opened and he reached for her, his large hands grasping her by the waist pulling her down onto his chest. The movement took her by surprise and she let out a small shriek in protest but it only ended up muffled against Eddie's chest as he hugged her against him. Although her distaste was soon forgotten when his hands began moving against her sides, tickling her as she dissolved into a fit of giggles that seemed to echo in the quiet of the room as she squirmed against him.

The joy that was radiating from her was definitely contagious and Chrissy couldn't help the smile that grew on her face as she watched the two of them together. The warmness spreading through her chest at the sight was enough to quell the slowly dissipating ache that little knees and elbows had caused.

"Daddy, daddy stop please" she squealed, her small hands pushing against Eddie as his hands slowed in their tickling until he stopped but the smile stayed on his face.

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