Too Clingy - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

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Eddie was in the bathroom and had been since she'd climbed under the sheets on his bed. Usually she would lie in the middle of the bed as she waited for Eddie to join her, tonight however, she was laid on the far edge of the bed, facing the wall with her arms wrapped tight around herself in an effort to make herself as small as possible in hopes that she would disappear into the worn mattress.

Unfortunately that didn't happen as she found out when Eddie finally joined her in the bed. His arms automatically reached for her, always wanting to feel her close as they slept although tonight she tensed at his touch which halted his movements as confusion overtook him. "Sweetheart, what's wrong? Did I do something to upset you?" He asked, his voice wavering as he tried to wrack his brain for anything that he could have done, only he came up empty.

She sniffed, blinking back tears that were threatening to fall as she kept quiet and unmoving in her spot. She could feel Eddie's hands rubbing up and down her back soothingly as she fought the urge just to turn over and bury herself within his arms where she loved to be. Instead she kept the distance between them, half hoping that Eddie would just break and pull her in but she knew he wouldn't, he would let her make the next move so as not to risk making her uncomfortable even though he could tell she was upset and holding her in his arms was his first instinct in comforting her.

"I'm sorry" her voice was quiet and her words were followed by more sniffles.

"Sorry? What're you sorry for?" Eddie repeats as his hands pause their movements on her back, he's even more confused now than he was before.

"I don't mean to be so clingy, I just enjoy being with you and I miss you when you're not there" she pouts, finally turning around to face him but still keeping her distance much to Eddie's dismay. Although at least now he knows what's wrong and he feels a little relief that he's not done anything to cause this.

"You heard Steve earlier" he states, his heart sinking that one little comment is upsetting her so much and worst of all depriving him of her touch. When she nods in response, Eddie sighs, "You know I really wouldn't take any notice of him"

"Why? He's Steve Harrington, King of Hawkins High, surely if anyone is an expert on dating it's him" she replies, very aware of Steve's past up until Nancy that is, since they split he's not had much luck in that area.

Eddie rolls his eyes as she speaks, he still doesn't like being reminded that he's friends with the former 'king' anymore than Steve likes being reminded that that's who he was. "Maybe but considering his best dating advice is to act like you're not interested in someone I wouldn't say he's the best judge in that department" Eddie smirks, retelling what Dustin had told him about the night of the school dance back in 83'. She listens with a bewildered look on her face, although she has moved closer to him which he delights in, "besides you're my girlfriend not his and I don't think you're clingy" he reassures her, a smile taking over his face as she shuffles closer to him and he slides his arm around her until it settles in its usual place.

"So you don't want me to tone it down?" She asks, eyes wide and innocent as she gazes up at him.

"Never" he clarifies, glad to have her back in his arms where she belongs, "but we'll have to be telling Steve to mind his own business next time because I can't go this long without cuddles again" he jokes, though in the way her eyes widen be can tell that she thinks he's being serious.

"No don't, I don't wanna cause any problems between you and your friends, Eds"

"Relax, I'm kidding sweetheart" he soothes tilting his head down to press a kiss to her forehead despite the awkward angle, "not about the cuddles though, I would never joke about those" he chuckles as he pulls away and he hears her laugh along with him.

"Nope, never" she agrees, her words being cut off slightly by a yawn as she snuggles further into him as she hums into his chest "I love you Eddie"

"I love you too baby"

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