24. Fin

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Katsuki and Izuku both knew what was going on in the others' minds, and the realization shocked them. They hadn't realized that they were both in love with Shoto, but now they needed to figure out what to do with it. Surely confessing would only lead to chaos, and with the lingering mistrust, it would only prove to be a setback.

Izuku had hoped to stall the conversation until they got home, but apparently, Katsuki couldn't enjoy their moment of peace. Izuku was slightly aggravated when Katsuki asked. He understood that their feelings for Shoto were important, but to Izuku, it felt like Katsuki's love for Shoto outweighed his own. It was a feeling of pure jealousy and yet bliss.

"We should wait to talk to him." Izuku added, sharply.

"The longer we wait, the worse it is for him. He will die in that cage if we wait any longer." Katsuki rebutted.

"Die? Have you not been feeding him?" Izuku asked, slightly concerned, but still angered.

"I have, but he needs to be outside. He has no sun and stale oxygen. He will either shrivel up and die or kill himself." Katsuki said with a sense of urgency.

"Yes, but just because we confess now does not mean we'd be letting him go." Izuku stated.

"What? You want to keep him locked in that cage even after we confess?" Katsuki sounded shocked and slightly hurt.

"Yes! Just because of our feelings doesn't mean he didn't try to kill me, then you. He also did that to your shoulder," Izuku motioned to the wrap around Katsuki's arm, "and not to mention the fact that he hoped you survived more than me!"

"Oh, so that's what this is about? You're jealous?" Katsuki fumed, standing in front of Izuku, who was sitting on the bed.

"Yes! And no! We shouldn't trust him just because you think that I'm not enough!" Izuku yelled, his eyes overflowing and a few stray tears rolling down his cheeks.

"What?! You're in love with him, too!" Katsuki yelled back, stepping closer as a sort of form of intimidation.

"But I wish I wasn't!" Izuku screamed, his small cries turning to sobs as his chest heaved. "I just wanted you to appreciate us being together for a day. One day. Apparently, we're not suited for each other then."

"What?" Katsuki looked down at him. Izuku's eyes were red and puffy as he rubbed at them, his chubby cheeks were tear stained, and his lip slightly jutted out. It felt wrong to admit, but Izuku looked extremely attractive to Katsuki. "It's my ship. We should let him out and talk to him." Katsuki tried, a bit calmer.

"You don't get it. I'm done. I'm done with all this treasure hunting, I'm done with this stupid ship, I'm done with Shoto, and I'm done with you. Goodbye Bakugou." Izuku ripped the crystal from his neck, tossing it on the bed and feeling all of the soreness and aching instantly fade away. He quickly ran up the stairs and to the side rail of the ship. He looked at the shimmering sea below, and then he jumped.

He was going to go home. The only place where he knew a family was waiting for him. He was headed back to the home of the sirens.

The journey underwater wasn't nearly as long or treacherous, it was actually quite beautiful and gentle. Particularly if you had a tail and agile swimming, also minus worrying about storms, waves, and sails. Izuku felt free, deciding that he would only grumble angrily every so often and not actually think about what had happened. He wanted to go home, see his brother and friends and stay there.

Izuku decided while he was swimming that he would go back for Denki and Eijiro in a few years to see if they would want to be turned as well. He missed them the most from the crew. Any time he thought of the crew, it always led his thoughts back to the blond and the heterochromic males. He stopped many times to pick up shiny objects and put them in a satchel he had made from kelp to distract himself.

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