4. The Lagoon

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"Wait, I can't go with you, we'd be in the rowboat to shore!" Izuku cried as he was pulled towards the railings of the ship.

"You're coming with since you're the only one who can read the map!" Katsuki said, pulling a Izuku's left arm as the other grabbed onto the rail.

"But the water!" Izuku cried, already unsure if the foggy mist was too much.

"We'll be in a rowboat, it won't touch you!" Katsuki yelled, motioning for the crew to help him pry Izuku off the rail.

"It will when we get out! Plus what about if it splashes?!" Izuku yelled desperately, trying to hold on.

"You take showers don't you?!" Katsuki said, giving one last pull before Izuku's arm slipped off the rail.

"No! I can't go!" Izuku cried, grabbing onto Eijiro who had just finished pulling him off the rail.

"Shut up, cmon we need to go before the Navy gets here!" Katsuki yelled.

Eijiro held out a finger at Katsuki and leaned down to Izuku. "Hey man, c'mon no one else can do this. We need you, don't you want to find what Toshinori died hiding?" He said quietly.

"Well yeah but.." Izuku trailed off, loosening his grip on the red head. "Alright, I'll do it." He said sadly.

"I hate you hair for brains." Katsuki said firmly. He tossed a green raincoat at Izuku. "For the water."

"Wah, really? Thank you!" Izuku said with a smile. He quickly slipped on the raincoat, pulling the hood up and checking to make sure he had waterproof boots on.

"Finally, hurry up." Katsuki said gruffly, looking away and heading towards the suspended row boat.

"Thanks Eijiro!" Izuku said with a smile, "Ah and make sure to keep the anchor down and stay hidden in the fog." Izuku said before climbing into the rowboat with Katsuki.

"Lower us down slowly!" Katsuki yelled to the crew on the ship. Izuku took a deep breath, gripping onto his oar tightly. The small wooden rowboat was lowered down the side of the ship and into the water. The misty fog covered the entire surface of the water as well as the dangers that lurked beneath. Katsuki and Izuku removed the cables from the side of the boat before beginning to paddle in the direction of the small island in the center of the Lagoon.

Izuku kept his eyes on the water at every second, assuring himself that Katsuki would not have the same fate that he suffered. The waves had picked up a bit and were difficult to paddle through.

Izuku slouched slightly, the second he did he could faintly make out the sound of siren song beneath the water. It was far to quiet for humans to hear, but he was sure that they were singing in the water below them.

"Let's just hurry up and get to shore!" Katsuki shouted a bit too loudly. Izuku heard the singing get a bit closer. He stiffened. Izuku raised a single finger to his lips and gave Katsuki a quick glare. They both stopped the rowing in silence.

A sudden splash was heard from the right side of the rowboat. Izuku felt every muscle in his body tensed. His heart rate elevated as multiple other splashes followed, hidden by the fog.

Izuku didn't have time to process the situation before he felt the piercing cold water flood his raincoat. He could no longer see the surface withing seconds and he felt his legs shift into one singular tail. His hearing was heightened through his now finned ears. He tried to look at the mer who was pulling him deeper into the sea.

The pulling finally stopped and Izuku turned in the water to see who it was. "Ochako!" He yelled, seeing the brown haired mer with tears in her eyes.

"Izuku Midoriya! How could you bring a human here?!" She hugged him quickly before scolding him. "Are you going to- no you wouldn't do that... then you'd surely not bring him here."

"Uh... we're looking for Toshinori's map, I have to get back to him- oh Ochako why'd you do this? It's gonna take forever to dry off, he may be dead by time I get back!" Izuku cried, quickly swimming to the Island. Ochako followed in suit, trying to keep up with Izuku's quick pace.

"I can watch over him while you dry off." Ochako said guiltily as she perched herself on a rock. Izuku used his arms to push himself up onto the rocky shore of the island. Ochako stared for a second, "Hitoshi will want to see you while you're here." She quickly swam off.

Izuku only rolled his eyes, attempting to dry himself off in the layer of sunlight that formed a sort of barrier around the island. "I hope he's okay..." Izuku said to himself nervously. He laid there for a few minutes before he felt his scales slowly start turning back to skin and his legs reforming from his tail.

When he was finally dry, he stood up and peered out into the water, not seeing much through the fog.

"You might need these." A voice said from the water. Izuku looked out but only saw his clothes being tossed onto the rocks. Izuku blushed, quickly putting on his miraculously dry clothes.

"You can come out now," Izuku huffed. "C'mon Hitoshi, I know it's you."

"Alright, alright." Hitoshi sighed, emerging from the water and perching his upper body on the rocks.

"How'd you know I was here?" Izuku asked quietly.

"I saw the blonde kid." Hitoshi replied plainly.

"So?" Izuku asked.

"Uraraka stopped me before I could drag him down.." Hitoshi replied.

"What?! You were gonna bring him down to them? Are you crazy?!" Izuku shouted angrily. He worriedly looked out into the fog, hoping to see the rowboat. He couldn't.

"There was a human! It's every mers job to bring them to the sirens. You should know that." Hitoshi said harshly.

"I know. I know... but not him, please.." Izuku begged.

"Alright, you better make sure your scales are all gone, Ochako's bringing him now." Hitoshi replied before diving back into the cold water.

Izuku sighed, checking his waist and ears to make sure he was dry. He looked out at the mist covered water then back at the rocky forested island. "Here we go..."

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