8. The Endeavor

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"Who is that?" Izuku asked, picking up his rate of rowing.

"It's the Endeavor." Katsuki replied seriously. Izuku nervously sucked in a breath, his eyes trained on the large navy ship. Their eyes couldn't make out any people, but it was obvious they had boarded the Dynamite.

"We'll use the lower ladder then." Izuku said firmly. They rowed towards a small netted ladder that led to a circular window.

Katsuki began to climb up first, calling down for Izuku to hand him the oar to crack open the window. He peered inside to check for people before signaling a thumbs up to Izuku and climbing in. Izuku followed in suit up the ladder, getting caught in the small window by his shirt. Katsuki narrowed his gaze around the room before stepping over to help pull the greenette through. Izuku stumbled a bit before stabilizing himself.

The two made their way to the door, pressing an ear against it before opening it. They were only met with the sleeping chambers, nothing more. They slowly and cautiously made their way up the stairs and to the door, leading to the main deck. Katsuki drew his sword from his sheath while Izuku went back into the chambers to find his own. The two stood there, Katsuki's hand on the door knob, Izuku counted down from 3, swords at the ready.

The door swung open to reveal 8 navy men, 6 of them holding down the Dynamite crew mates.

"Ah, the famous Captain has arrived!" There stood a tall red-haired man, obviously Captain Enji. "Now, you can hand over the map... or you can watch your crew get killed off one by one."

"Tch, those are some pretty sucky options y'know!" Katsuki said, charging at Enji and only leaving him a second to block.

In the midst of the chaos, Izuku had forgotten about the other navy crewmate until he felt a sharp and cold metal pressed against his throat. "I wouldn't do that if you want him to live." A monotone voice said from behind Izuku. His captors hand grabbed his sword, throwing it to the ground. The arm then wrapped around Izuku's chest to prevent him from moving. His captor pulled Izuku back flush against his chest and tightened the sword around his neck. The whole crew stood silent.

"Don't." Katsuki said firmly. "I'll give it to you, just don't hurt him." Katsuki said, defeated.

"No! Don't do it!" Izuku called, straining against the man holding him captive.

"Shut it!" The man growled out into Izuku's ear. Izuku faltered for a second.

"Enji." Izuku struggled to say as the sword pressed a bit more, enough to break skin. "I know what you've done to your family! You're an awful man!" Izuku felt the arm around his chest falter for a moment. Bingo.

"Shoto, keep that boy quiet. Bakugou, it would be wise to hand it over quickly before I lose my patience." Enji spat harshly.

"Shoto." Izuku let out a strained whisper. The sword was pressed further into his skin, his blood trickling down the front of his body. "You don't have to be like him." Izuku coughed violently as the sword tightened again, only pushing him further into the blade. Surely, any deeper would slit his throat. "Join us."

"Let them go, and I'll give you the map." Katsuki said.

"What do you take me for? Shoto....kill the boy." Enji said harshly.

Shoto paused and hesitated for a moment. He readjusted his grip on his sword. He tightened the arm around Izuku's chest. "I won't." He stated, throwing his sword to the ground.

"Shoto! You will do as you're told!" Enji scowled.

"I don't think he will." Izuku said scratchily as he picked up his own sword and rushed at Enji. The rest of Endeavors crew stood there, remaining in their positions to keep the rest hostage.

Enji barely blocked, Izuku's sword scraping his shoulder. "That's what I'm talking about!" Katsuki yelled, attacking from behind Enji.

Despite Enji being one of the highest positions of swordsmen, not many could take on two highly trained pirates. Enji faltered and struggled to keep up, barely blocking half of the attacks. He swung around his sword, hoping to hit something. Someone. After a minute or so, he finally felt his sword hit something. It had slashed Izuku's chest.

The wound was deep and quickly began to bleed. Izuku stumbled, falling to the ground with a hand clutching his chest. He quickly faded out of consciousness.

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