2. Izuku

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"Ow...Kacchan!" Izuku squealed as he tried to rub the spot the blonde had slapped. He began to bound after Katsuki, following just a few feet behind until he got to the stairs.

"Good luck with that." Katsuki chuckled, making his way back onto the rainy deck of the ship.

"Can you get Denki for me?!" Izuku yelled desperately after the blonde. He huffed at the lack of response. 'What am I gonna do?' Izuku sighed, trying to run through scenarios in his head. 'If I go out there and they see me when the water hits me then- no. Should I wait until they go to sleep?'

"Hey! Captain said you needed me for something. What's up?" Denki said as he appeared from the steps.

"Oh! Yes, uh well you see... I kinda was supposed to swab the deck and set the rope to the helm tonight, but it's raining so I thought that maybe you could...help me out..." Izuku said nervously, deciding against puppy dog eyes and settling for a slight pout instead.

"Uh duh of course Izu, ya know you can just ask me if you need anything. You help us all out a lot around the ship, it's the least I can do." Denki said proudly.

"Oh, thank Triton..." Izuku sighed in relief. "Really, I owe you big time."

"Nah, don't worry about it man. Although I do want to know how you manage to get on the Captains good side so easy." Denki smirked, leaning ever so slightly in towards Izuku.

"Eh? We've just known each other for a while I guess." Izuku said, backing up a bit.

"Alright, alright." Denki said with his hands up before making his way back up to the deck to help the greenette with his nightly tasks.

'I hope he doesn't mess this up...' Izuku thought to himself. 'Whatever, I need a better plan. I can't just expect it to never rain again.' Izuku sat down in his hammock. 'This is what you get for being a pirate. I should've known better than to-' Izuku's thoughts were interrupted by the lively crew making their way down to their respective sleeping hammocks.

"Hey Mido, why are you always so scared of water anyways?" Mina asked from across the room.

"Mm, it's just...personal reasons." He responded carefully.

"Even if he's scared of water he's still the best pirate here." Kirishima butted in.

"Well not when it rains, or we have to go in the water, or row a boat without a rain coat." Sero said, one by one progressively going off track. "But yeah that's true."

"Ahm well goodnight guys..." Izuku said, turning to lay in his hammock facing away from the others. He silently let out a huff of frustration. 'I know it's a set back but I'm sure I'll find a cure soon.'

'I hope.'


Sorry for a short chapter, I'm working on several other books but I'll make sure the next chapter is longer. 500 words.

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