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This chapter is 4600 words your welcome.

Kimanis pov
1 day until the wedding

Kimani woke up to a hand soothingly rubbing up and down her back, and her face stuffed into the crook of Sevynns neck kimani inhaled sevynns scent basking in how good it feels to be in her arms.

She then leaned up placing a kiss on her throat, in turn Sevynn let out a light chuckle her throating bobbing a bit, and kimani led kisses up it to her jaw " good morning" Sevynn grumbled kissing her on her forehead.

"How long have you been up" kimani asked "not long like 10 mins I just laid here thinking" kimani shallowed her stomach twisting in a panic "about yesterday" she said her voice little.

She felt Sevynn nod, kimani leaned up out of her embrace stretching a bit then laying back on the head board, Sevynn shifted to sit up infront of her leaning all her weight on her hand, the covers falling off to her waist.

Kimanis was trying hard not to let her eyes fall to her breast in a lace black bra, but they did anyways and kimani licked her lips her eyes jumping back to sevynns face, sevynn lifted an eyebrow.

And kimani knew she had been caught " I'm sorry I- we have a lot to talk about and here I am being horny and shit- alright I'm focused now" kimani said that last part more so to herself.

A small smile eased on to sevynns face "stop apologizing to me for nothing you have been doing it since yesterday and I hate it" kimani responded without thinking" I'm sor-" Sevynn leaned up quick covering her mouth " and also stop being so nervous I know everything so you don't have to explain".

Kimani eyebrows drew in close as Sevynn moved her hand " how do you..."she trailed off "your mom yesterday night she talked me out of... well nothing jus-" " what she talk you out of".

Sevynn looked down " Sevynn what were you about to do" " your already feeling bad and I don't wanna-" " please tell me" "I was about to get drunk...like blackout" kimani gasped covering her mouth " you don't even drink like that" " I know I know".

Kimanis eyes watered " Sevynn I'm so so sorry" Sevynn cuffed kimani cheeks.

"Hey what did I tell you about apologizing to me I'm good now and I forgive you I saw the video I know how panicked you were and honestly I'm pissed at jasmine for not noticing herself and I really should be the one apologizing I was the asshole who didn't hear you out".

"But I understand because 'I panicked instead of telling jasmine no' sounds like a bad excuse" " but nevertheless it was the excuse and I didn't listen or watch anything I hid away trying to solve my problems at the bottom of a bottle".

"I drove you to do that though if I would have j-"
Kimani was cut off by Sevynn soft warm lips on hers, kimanis desire jolted alive and her hands went to the flesh at sevynns waist, as sevynns hand slithered around to the back of her neck deepening the kiss.

Sevynn moaned into her mouth, then pulled away tracing kimanis bottom lip with her thumb " enough with the what if let's just both agree that we could've done some shit different but all that matters is that we found our way back to each other yes" kimani nodded.

While watching Sevynn lean up letting the covers slip from around her waist, she straddled kimanis waist gripping her jaw " let me hear you say it" kimani smiled her hands sliding down to her ass " yes" kimani responded her eyes becoming half lidded, as they scaled down sevynns tatted body.

Sevynn yanked kimanis head back up with her hand in her hair " keep on looking at me like that" kimani slapped sevynns ass cheek rubbing it in her hands "and what you gonna do" Sevynn chuckled pecking her lips " nothing at the moment I have some calls to make" she said sliding off of her.

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