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Night time
Wedding activity #3
All white party 
Kimani pov

Once in the club room Anita was already there partying, looking really nice in her all white outfit, " mom you look cute" " thanks Kiki you look stunning as well doesnt she look good Sevynn" her mom randomly asked.

Kimanis eyes widen as all attention went to sevynn " yes always" Sevynn said, making eye contact with kimani making her blush.

"How about y'all two go get us some drinks please" " sure" Sevynn said kimani glared at her mom who shrugged with a smug smile, she will definitely have a talk with her later.

Sevynn started to walk off and kimani caught up next to her, Sevynn smoothly slid her hand to the small of her exposed back guiding her through the crowd and kimani got goosebumps from her warm touch.

She hoped Sevynn couldn't feel them, once they were at the bar, Sevynn leaned a bit over the bar to order the drink whilst doing that kimani shamelessly checked out her ass, but looked away before she was caught.

" I got margaritas you think that's cool" kimani nodded looking away avoiding her eyes, kimani could feel her intense eyes check her out and felt the heat sliding up her cheeks. She hates that she has such a strong effect on her.

Kimani then looked down playing with the hem of her dress " hey are you okay" Sevynn asked, redirecting her face up with her finger on her chin, kimani nodded quickly trying to ignore the butterflies " yea I'm fine".

" your lying" she slid her hand down to cradle the side of her neck, concern swirling in her naturally seductive eyes " something's bothering you what is it " kimanis tilted her head.

" h-how do you know that" Sevynn softly grabbed kimanis wrist " this hasn't left your dress since the elevators you only play with your clothes when your nervous" kimani scoffed " I do not-.... D-do I".

Sevynn laughed " yes my love every single time its actually kinda cute" " you think you just know me so well" " well I have seen every single inch of your body so I would hope I know you well" Sevynn said, matter of factly leaning her head on her hand-

with a playful smirk. She looked so gorgeous and relaxed in this moment kimani wanted to snap a picture " your so beautiful" Sevynn said admiring kimani, then she reached out letting her thumb trail her bottom lip, making kimani melt into her spot " tell me what's wrong please".

Kimani knew she had to tell her soon or later and she couldn't say no to her when she's pleading,
she opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by a group of people next to them yelling " cheers" then throwing back shots.

"Not here maybe if we get some time alone" Sevynn nodded " okay if it's something I did I'm sorr-" kimani smiled at her wondering why did she have to be so perfect, " no your fine" she said sincerely and Sevynn nodded blowing out a breath " okay-".

"Excuse me your drinks".

Later on that night

Sevynn had a drink in her but she was fine kimani was her usual tipsy, but on the other hand the rest of the group was flat out drunk, especially Anita she was the drunkest of all which was hilarious.

Sevynn and kimani was up dancing to some old jams amongst the crowd well, more like kimani was dancing and Sevynn was sipping a drink cheering her on, everything was cool until kimanis clumsy ass.

Tripped a bit knocking sevynns drink into her chest kimani gasped " oh my god" she said, as Sevynn looked down to margarita all on her chest, staining her white shirt.

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