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It's everyone's favorite time, double upload time! keep up the comments much love🫶🏾

3 days before the wedding
Sevynns pov

Sevynn was jogging on a trail in between the beach and the hotel, she was out there tryna clear her head the talk they shared kept replaying in her mind, it was no doubt Sevynn loved kimani and kimani loved her, but Sevynn couldn't help but feel the feeling isn't reciprocated as strongly.

Because if she had to pick between kimani and anybody else it wouldn't even be a question, the kiss they shared also kept on replaying in her mind, kimani kissed her like she loved her the same way Sevynn couldn't deny that.

She stopped jogging putting her hands on her knees remembering the kiss they shared, a shiver went up her spine just thinking about it.

Her soft plump lips on hers and how she tugged on her clothes with a light whine, indicating how badly she wanted em off, yes kimani kisses her like she loves Sevynn as much.

But then does the opposite the next day, she sighed out frustratedly women are so complicated.
Sevynn felt somebody tap her shoulder, she looked over it taking her AirPods out " hi Sevynn" .

It was riah kimanis cousin " hello" Sevynn smiled politely standing all the way up, riah's eyes skimmed lustfully down her body.

Sevynn stood there watching her take her all in, she probably should be blushing, but Sevynn gets this a lot and the only person that can make her blush is kimani, " can I help you-" riah eyes eventually found sevynns face.

And she smiled " I'm sorry I got-" she cleared he throat before continuing, "...distracted" she finished, obviously flirting " no your good"sevynn said with a chuckle.

"How are you doing" " honestly or a lie" " ummm the lie " " I'm amazing" Sevynn said in a fake cheery tone, making them both chuckle " well honestly if you aren't doing good you definitely don't show it".

"Thanks how are you" Sevynn felt she needed to ask it would be rude if she didn't, " I'm good better now that I'm with you" Sevynn chuckled " are you tryna make me blush".

"You caught me" riah said with a small smile,  " actually I'm tryna make you smile I like your smile the most" riah said then bit her lip.

Wow Sevynn thought, this girl is really tryna fuck me she not to bad at flirting either, if Sevynn wasn't Inlove with somebody else she probably would ask for her number, Riah definitely isn't ugly.

And her body looks nice in this Nike work out attire " I'll make sure to smile more around you then" Sevynn said playing into it, she wasn't really flirting riah would know if Sevynn really wanted her, and what's the harm in playing into it.

"Your gonna make me wanna stick around more then" " that the plan" Sevynn said smiling and riah smiled too, her eyes skimming her body one more time " I actually wanted to ask will you go to the all black party with me tonight" " as in your date".

Riah nodded Sevynn thought about it, kimani will lose her shit when she sees her with riah, then Sevynn thought about it some more, maybe that will help her get her shit together.

Sevynn felt bad for basically using the girl, but you gotta do what you gotta do " sure I would love to" riah smiled " great see you at 9" Sevynn smiled putting in her AirPods, and jogging off.

Later on

Tonight was an all black party, reason being something about a funeral for both of their old hoes, because they're getting married in Aniya's words, Sevynn thought it was hilarious.

She moved through the party with confidence as always, she looked good with her womens black vest, no shirt on under, and it was a tad bit to short on purpose so the bottom of her flat stomach peeked through.

Love or Is It Lost? (gxg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें