Chapter 17: Mini-test

Start from the beginning

"Okay then I'll get straight to the point. May I sit here?"


"...Come on, it's tiring talking while standing all the time. After all, the benches in the park are public property."

"I sat here first. If you don't like it, just leave."

Oh, God. Nanahara...are you really going to die if you treat me nicely for just a minute? As much as possible I hold back my frustration. Right now being patient is the best.

"Okay, then I won't beat around the bush anymore," I said. "You must know why I'm here, right?"

Nanahara looked at me coldly. "You are so stubborn."

"Since things are like this, I have no choice but to be stubborn. Everyone wants to be class A after all."

Nanahara sighed. "That's your problem. I don't really care about this stupid competition."

"Maybe, but at least you want to stay in school, right?"

Nanahara didn't answer but she lowered her head for a moment with a sullen face. I could tell there was a sense of doubt in her eyes. There is something that keeps her from leaving this school.

"Then come to the study session. We can help you."

"I told you, I can study by myself." Nanahara said with a rather harsh tone.

"Then prove it. Come to the library and let us test you. If you can really raise your score without our help, then I won't bother you anymore. But if you don't show up, then I won't give up on persuading you until the midterms and you definitely don't want that, do you?"

Nanahara glared at me. "If you do that then I will beat you up."

"Then come, the only thing you need to do is a small test from us then everyone will be happy."

Nanahara didn't answer right away and instead looked into my eyes. We both stared at each other for a while while Nanahara considered my offer. In the end she gave up.

"Okay..." she sighed. "I will come, but you have to keep your promise."

"Of course," I smiled contentedly, this was easier than I thought. "Come to the library this afternoon. Do not be late. The sooner you come, the sooner it will end."

"Yes...yes, just go away."

"Okay, see you this afternoon." I left Nanahara. It seems that today she is not as aggressive as usual. I don't know why either but maybe she's just in a good mood, or maybe she agreed just to make me leave. Whatever the reason, I'm grateful that she will be available in the afternoon. Now all I have to do is give Sawatari the news.


"Why did you make such a deal with her?" the voice from the phone called out to me.

Currently Shinji and I are having lunch together in the park. We ate while sitting on the grass, in the shade of a shady tree. I also decided to report to Sawatari, but instead of being happy she nagged me.

"What else can I do to persuade her?" I'm trying to defend myself. "At least she's willing to show up."

"But you also gave her a way to not show up for the next session and so on."

"Only if she can get higher scores on the short test you gave her. Come on, her score was only around 30 in yesterday's mock test. There's no way she could increase her grades in just three days."

"Yes, but don't forget. At that time sensei said that the results of the mock test would not affect our report cards. Some of the students might not take the test seriously."

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