"Hey! Sleeping Beauty!" Bangchan said. "How've you been?"

"Bangchan! I haven't seen you in a while." I said.

"I see you're back in school." He said, hinting at my uniform "Anyways, I gotta go. It was great seeing you!"

We wave at each other goodbye and I continue walking.

"Kim Cheol has arrived!!" A student yelled. "We've got you a great seat, want me to take you there?"

"Erm, no thanks." I declined.

I sat down in my own seat, and students came over trying to pamper me.

"Go away." I commanded, and they listened.

I look in the empty seats of Minji, Y/n, Haerin and Danielle. School isn't the same without them.

I put my head on the desk and fall asleep.

After school, 2 familiar faces wait for me outside the gate.

Eunchae and Chaewon. I waddle towards them, with joy overwhelming me.

"Little Cheolie!!" Chaewon said, hugging me. "You hurt your legs?"

"Cheol's alive," Eunchae said. "Man, feels so great to see you again."

Eunchae tried leaning in for a kiss, but I stopped her.

"I can't," I said.

"Bangchan says we should all hang out." Chaewon said, removing the awkwardness.

"We should!" Eunchae said. "Meet you guys at the old spot at 5, okay?"

We agreed and parted ways.

I looked at my old wardrobe that still had some of my clothes, when I realised I was missing something.

My old favourite jacket. It was still at Haerin's.

I put on some of my old clothes and set off.

"Oh my gosh!! Cheol??" Haerin's mother said, absolutely shocked to death. "I-I thought you-"

"Yeah, I know." I said. "I'm just here for my jacket, thats all."

"Come in! Come in!" She ushered. "I haven't gone into my Haerin's room since you died."

"It's no problem," I said. "I'll go get my jacket now."

I open the door to the room and everything was exactly the same before.

The bed was messy from Haerin crying, my bag of stuff in the same spot, and my shirt on Haerin's bed.

I look around to find my jacket and put it on.

Putting on my normal clothes for the first time in months felt somewhat sad. I shrug it off and head out.

"Hey," Bangchan said. "I didn't get to ask about your crutches earlier."

"Basically, I got shot and I'm recovering." I told him.

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