On The Line

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I am a virgin. And I am a twenty-two years old woman and a virgin. Did I mention that I'm a virgin? I think I did, but well. I am a virgin and does that freak me out? No.

The moment I heard the sound of my notification, I turned my head to look at my phone as I receive a message. Then another message, and another message and more. From different men. Now, am I religious? Did I choose this life of virginity because I'm religious? To answer both questions that I constructed for myself is a big no.

I heaved a loud exhausted sigh as I wiped away the tears that streamed down my eyes. "Pathetic," I muttered under my breath, closing my eyes shut before opening them back to look at myself in the mirror. Bloodshot eyes, and smeared eyeliners that made me look like a gothic wannabee with black streams of tears from the fake 'waterproof' mascara along my cheeks.

This virgin bitch was reminded of her virginity by the man she loved wholeheartedly a month ago. I looked at my lips from my reflection, bright scarlet red━I smirked, amazed at how it was still plastered there as if I was not crying my heart out, screaming at the top of my lungs.

I picked up my heated phone and skimmed through the message bubbles I received on my notification. They were all messages from the well-known application for dating sites━I rather call it the sex app though. Tinder.

Was I there for sex? Not quite. For love? Definitely not.

"You're a needy whore that demands attention," my heart dropped at the sudden remembrance of his words. No matter how much I wanted to divert my trail of thoughts, "A needy whore that is too afraid of sex but too needy to suck my cock━"

I could feel the heat erupting in my body, his voice seemed so real and it felt more like I was experiencing a deja vu. I heaved another sigh, shut my phone and placed it on my lap. "Your cock was small anyway," I whispered while I looked at myself again as if I was looking at him. "Go suck your own━FUCK!"

I was surprised by the sudden ring from my phone as I received a call. I could hear my own heart beating, too loud, replacing the sound of my ringtone. I was brought back into reality when the call ended before he called again.

The virgin me accepted the call. A sigh escaped after I took a deep breath, trying to calm my heartbeat. I lifted my phone and closely held my phone near my ear. A moment of deep silence was filling my ear━before I could hear him exhaling a ferocious breath, "Baby...

In one word, I was already weak on my knees. 


Author's note:

Well, it has been a while. Last time I was probably seventeen when I stopped writing. Is anyone still reading this? Anyway, hello to anyone that is reading this. I am currently, twenty-two years old, and this is just going to be a short while because currently I have summer semester break. My life has been quite thrilling lately, after my break up, so yeah. A new idea for the story, I guess. Although I am quite unsure myself how it will turn out since I have stopped writing and reading, hence I am lacking in writing skills now.

Yeah, is this going to be a seventeen fiction? I've been thinking about it for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately, I have stopped listening and stanning seventeen since 2020, I did look up to them a couple of times but, yeah. I guess I could say adulting made me stop being delusional about them. Nevertheless, I need muses for this book. Therefore, I guess yes, it is a seventeen fiction. Would it be wonwoo? That is for my beautiful and amazing readers to figure out!

Just a heads up, this book will be a very rated mature book. Anyone that are underaged or uncomfortable with that should not be reading, but babes, come on?

With love,

Pragma ( jeon wonwoo)Where stories live. Discover now