[7] runnin'

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RUNNIN'henry & so-you

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henry & so-you

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you were deep in thoughts that you didn't realise wonwoo returned to his seat, staring at you.

does he even like sexy girls? you thought while imagining wonwoo in different scenes.

the first scene you imagined was a drooling wonwoo who was too fixated with a blurry sexy woman. you kind of felt disgusted, so you quickly shook your head.

you preceeded to the second scene which you imagined him coldly ignoring the lady with a little insult left from his lips.

"no," you whispered while shaking your head once more. and then your third scene you imagined him smiling unconsciously with a little hesitation and confusion written on his face.

wouldn't it be weird if I try to dress something revealing? you tried to imagine yourself wearing nothing but your undergarments and it made you cringed. then you imagined yourself wearing a black silky night gown.

you were close to imagine yourself naked but you were jolted back to reality when a warm hand was pressed on your forehead. "you don't have any fever but why are you acting weird?"

wonwoo was rather worried. his brows furrowed as his jaws were clenched. and he was looking very manly.

"i'm fine, i was just worrying about my evaluation test for this wednesday," you explained. you weren't lying though; a little part of you were anxious of your evaluations and mostly you were thinking about the list.

his mouth gaped. "i can't help you much but you can ask me anything," he said as his hand slowly reaching for mine. he rested his hand on top of my hand. "you'll do great," he smiled in assurance.

"thank you wonwoo-ssi," you smiled back. "do you mind if I ask you questions for my ideas?"

he released his hand and crossed his arms over his chest. "sure, anything for my wife."

you didn't want to blush but whenever he called you his wife made your heart flutter.

"do you prefer a sexy dress or a cute dress?"

he narrowed his eyes, unsure of the question. should I be honest or act like a great kind of man? he laughed a little while diverting his eyes.

"...it depends," he hesitated, "for a woman like you, a sexy dress would be better. I mean what kind of cute dress are you referring to?"

you shrugged your shoulders. "what kind of cute dress are you picturing?"

he gaped his mouth again, "i'm not sure. maybe a short skirt with big bows? I don't know haeun-ssi!" at the end we cracked a laugh.

"okay, what kind of sexy dress do you think is the best?"

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