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A month, Jungkook has been in Busan for a whole month now. He was sending his test scores to colleges in town. He was going to go to college and be back in no time. Older and more mature. He can do it.

"Master Kookie?" A soft knock was heard on the other side of Jungkook's office door. "I made some lunch for you." His maid opened the door and walked in with a tray of food in her hands. "It's time to eat." Jungkook nodded and allowed her to set the food on his table. "I need you to eat more than 7 bites today. Can you do that?" Jungkook nodded and began to eat his food. He ate four bites of his rice, a bit of meat, two bites of kimchi, and a good sip of the soup the chef made. The soup didn't contain anything in it. It was more broth than anything. So he just kept the soup with him and drank that. His maid left the rice, too. "Just try." Were her last words before she left with the rest of the barely eaten food.

"My stomach hurts, though." He sighed and rubbed his stomach. "The soup is the only thing I can keep down now a days. I don't know why." He stood up from his desk, and he was immediately kicked in the stomach with nausea. His stomach ached really badly, and he felt dizzy. "J-Jonna." He called out, but it wasn't loud enough. "Jonna!" He called again, but his voice cracked and barely came out. He grabbed the rice bowl and threw it at the wall. The loud shattering sound egoed, and that got his maids attention. She ran in with the male chef to Jungkook. The two rushed over to him as he looked so pale like he was about to pass out.

"Master Kookie!" They both shouted as they witnessed the young one fall to the floor holding his stomach in pain. "Kookie, what's wrong? Are you pain?" Jonna smacked the chef. "Ow."

"It's obvious that he's in pain." She gentle held the boy in her arms. "Sweetie, do you need to go to the hospital?" Jungkook slowly nodded. He doesn't know what the pain is from. She smacked the chef again to get his attention. "Don't just stand there. Go get the car." He nodded and ran out of room to go bring the car around to the front. Jonna helped Jungkook stand to his feet so they could go to the car. "When did this pain start?"

"T-Two weeks ago." She gasped and almost let him fall, but she didn't. "Sorry, I didn't want to worry you."

"It's alright, sweetie. Let's just get you there and back home to rest." Jungkook nodded his head and walked with Jonna. "Let's bring this." She grabbed a small black bucket from the kitchen. "Just in case you feel like throwing up in the car from all the bumps and whatnot." Jungkook nodded his head. He agreed with her. It was a good idea to bring it. He can feel a bit sick. The chef waited in the driver's seat for the two to get in before he started to drive to the hospital.

"What do you think it is?" He asked, looking at the younger in the mirror as they stopped at the stop sign. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't sure. "Hopefully, it's nothing too serious."

"I agree."


"Hi there, my name is Song Jonna. I'm the guardian of this young man here. His name is Jeon Jungkook, 15. He's been having some stomach pains for the past two weeks." Jonna smiled while Jungkook just stood awkwardly to the side of the counter. "He has thrown up in a bucket in the car on the way here." The nurse nodded while typing away on her computer. She printed out a form they needed to fill out and handed it to them.

"Please fill it out correctly." They nodded and went to go sit down. Jonna took out a pen from her purse and grabbed a clipboard. She read the questions out loud for Jungkook to hear and answer them himself.

"Have you had sexually interaction lately?" Jonna raised a brow at that question. Why was that on the form? "Kookie? It's a no, right?" Jungkook nodded. He can't tell her. However, she saw his facial expressions, and she sighed. "Kookie? You're so young. Why are you having sex?"

"What?" She shakes her head and wrote down yes.

"When?" She asked just, but he was still confused. "Sweetie, when was it?" She asked again.

"B-Before we left to come to Busan." She nodded and put the date on the paper. The two filled out the whole paper and gave it back to the nurse. Everything was correct. All they had to do now was wait for their names to be called. Jungkook played with his fingers. Why would that question be on a form for a male? Did his stomach ache seem strange?

"Jeon Jungkook." His name was called, and he shot up from his spot and went with the doctor alone. Jonna stayed in the waiting room. The doctor smiled at Jungkook. "You're 15?" Jungkook nodded. "Oh, your birthday is in a few months. That's cool." She read over the chart and raised her brow. Nodded, she pulled out a small cup. "Can you please pee in this?" She pointed to a small bathroom to the side. "Over there. When you're done that, I'll take some blood to test." Just nodded and did as he was told. "Have you ever heard of a male being pregnant?" The doctor asked ask he walked into the bathroom. "It's extremely rare, but it has happened. Throughout history, there have been over 500 cases of men giving birth." Jungkook finished and handed the cup to her. "Some men are born with a gene that give them the organ to hold a baby."

"Really?" She nodded.

"Yep, it's rare. Like I said. Thers only been two cases in two decades." She gentle prepared Jungkook's arm for a needle to take blood. "It's beautiful when you really think about it." Jungkook nodded, agreeing with her. "Alright, I'll be back." The doctor left the room, and Jungkook sat in a pool of anxiety as he waited for her to return. The clock ticking in his ear was getting annoying. Did she bring up the rare males because he could be one of them? He's becoming more worried. If he is,  he can't tell Jin.

"Shit." What would his dad think? What about Jonna or Jayson? Jungkook's foot tapped on the floor impatiently. 20 minutes of waiting, and she was back.

"Congratulations, you are a whole month pregnant." She clapped, and Jungkook felt cold. "Would you like to do an ultrasound?" Jungkook nodded. "Alright. Please sit here." She patted the chair by the ultrasound machine. Jungkook went over, and she held the device that would show his baby. He lifted his shirt, and she put a cold gel on his stomach. "Alright, let's see what we can find." She moved it around to find a good shot of the little bean. She pointed the baby out to Jungkook, and he was becoming emotional. "Come by once a month for a check-up on the baby. In about 16 more weeks, we can check the gender of the baby."

"O-Oh. Okay." He was given a tissue to wipe his belly and was given some papers to give to Jonna. "Thank you, doctor."

"I'll see you next time." He waved and walked out to Jonna. She stood up when he walked out. He handed her the papers and just remained silent as they walked to the car.

"You're pregnant?" She read over the information about male pregnancy that showed how rare but possible they were. "Oh my god." Jayson got out of the car and opened the back door for Jungkook to get in. Jonna gave him the papers before going in the back with him. "Oh sweetie, how do you feel?"

"I feel okay." He looked at his lap. "I-I want to keep the baby." Jungkook placed his hand on his stomach. "I'll tell dad about it tomorrow." They nodded and drove back home.

"Are you nervous?" Jungkook nodded.


Hope you enjoyed

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