I opened my eyes. It was daytime again. I can't stop thinking about what Minji was saying.

"Excuse me, have you seen the woman that constantly visits me?" I asked quietly.

"I'm not sure, but if she's visiting, she'll be here soon." The nurse said, leaving.

I grabbed the spoon and chopsticks and began eating.

It was going well until I got to the soup. I tried to bring the table closer to me, but it wouldn't move. Sitting forwards stretches the gunshot wound out and it hurts.

So I just very slowly brought the spoon to my mouth each time, so it wouldn't spill on my shirt.

Then, Kim Minji slides open the door and shuts it behind her. I spilled a tiny bit of soup onto my shirt from seeing her.

Her eyes locked onto me.

"Kim Cheol! What do you think you're doing?" She scolded, walking over.

"What- what did I do?" I said.

"Sorry," she spoke in a soft tone now. "You know you shouldn't try feed yourself, you're supposed to be resting."

"I didn't know you were coming today." I said.

"I come see you everyday," she said. "Just leave everything to me, got it? I'll take care of you."

She began feeding me.

"Cheol," she suddenly said. "I want to ask you a question."

"Mhm?" I hummed.

"You think you can teach me how to fight?" Minji asked. "I wanna be able to protect the others."

"Sure, why not?" I answered.

Minji's POV
I continue to feed Cheol, smiling to myself. The main reason I asked that is because I want to spend more time with Cheol. I don't want him to crawl to Haerin the moment he goes back.

He finished eating and I helped clean him up.

A doctor walks through the door.

"Good news, Kim Cheol is able to leave sooner or later today, but he may have trouble walking for a while as the bullet barely missed his spine. He is obviously capable of relearning how to walk properly, of course. Just take it slow and easy." The doctor explained. "You're the legal guardian, right? Just sign here, and he can be up and out."

"Umm, no." I briefly explained. "His mother isn't here, she lost her memories to a car accident."

"Ah, alright, we'll just return your clothes to you and get you some crutches." The doctor said, leaving.

They gave him back his clothes.

"Here, I'll help you with that," I said, taking his shirt off.

We put his suit back on. He was out of the hospital gown, and he looked mature again.

"Let's go," I said. "I bet they'll be happy to see you."

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