Chapter 38

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Third Pov

Dream starred in astonishment, autumn, the child who he had met not so long ago, is a freakin healing mage? those green tears that she wiped off her own face and on to where the person who was unfortunately harmed in a car wreck. They were now fully healed, as if none of it happened, dream watched as the human looked over himself in disbelief. " did you do that?" A crowd surrounds the two of them, making dream extremely nervous. autumn shook her head a little bit, looking around at the people around her before smiling at the person she just healed. " you're all better!" she spoke in a happy tone, she seemed as though she doesn't remember healing this person two minutes ago. " yeah, thanks to you, how did you do that? are you some kind of witch child?" 

Now it was autumn's turn to be confused, she tilts her head and smiled in confusion at the human male. " what do you-" 

" AUTUMN!!" edge's voice can be heard through the crowd, making a few humans move to reveal a very concerned edge and a very concerned papyrus, who made a beeline to pluck autumn off of the ground in to a tight hug. " AUTUMN! THANK THE STARS! WHY DID YOU RUN OFF LIKE THAT? YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN HURT!" 


The two skeletons scold the small child for a moment before one of the humans from the accident, the sister. Walked up to three of them with a sincere smile. " please don't be angry with her...if it weren't for her, my brother might have been paralyzed for the rest of his life..." 

" MA'AM, MIGHT I ASK WHAT YOU MEAN BY THIS?" papyrus asked the small woman, this time it was dreams turn to speak, stepping by them with a bright, nervous smile. " l..let's not talk about it here, but for that reason I'm sure you are grateful?" dream asked looking back at the two siblings. They both nod as the EMT's Let the brother get out of the stretcher they had him in previously, after a bit, the two blondes kept on thanking the child. " I am forever grateful! thank you so much for healing my brother. Tyler have some manners." The blonde woman spoke, making her brother thank autumn over and over. Edge was a little weirded out while papyrus on the other hand was extremely confused. why are these people thanking autumn about? is this why autumn was missing when they walked past the corner. was she helping them out like the kind child she is? papyrus smiled at the two. " I'M SURE AUTUMN APPRECIATES THE THANK YOU'S BUT WE REALLY MUST GET BACK WITH OUR GROUP BEFORE THEY GET WORRIED. IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU MISS?"

" Molly, my name is-" 

" SISI!"

" MOLLY!" 

Both avery and kathy tackled the woman with tight hugs. surprising not only her but the boys as well. molly took a second before she happily laughed, picking the girls up in her arms for tight hugs. " Avery? Kathy? My god look at how big you to have gotten?" Tyler, their older brother came up beside molly, waving at the two of them only for them to scream again. " TYLER!!" they both said in unison, tackling him to the ground. " girls don't break his leg again, this little one here just healed him." now it was edge's and papyrus's turn to be surprised. " WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE HEALED HIM?" edge spoke, looking over autumn for any unusual activity, finding nothing he looked over at dream suspiciously, dream held up his hands in surrender. " i had nothing to do with it, she did it all on her own." 


" wait...autumn you don't think you.." avery began looking to her friend, who looked away with shame, holding her hands close to her chest as those green tears came back again, papyrus jumped back a bit. " A...AUTUMN...YOUR TEARS ARE...GREEN!" papyrus touched her face, one of the green tears rolled on to the cut he had received earlier from the kitchen healed up completely. Both edge and papyrus's eyes looked as if they were gonna pop out of their head. " A...Autumn...?"

" please don't be mad...please..." 

papyrus took autumn from edge's arms, hugging her close while trying to calm her down a bit. shortly after the group made it back up with the others, who were waiting for their return. sans and toriel ran up to them quickly. " kiddo? where di you run off too? you weren't taken again were you?"

" AGAIN? She's been taken before!?" the queen of monsters yelled in surprise, she looked at the skeletons with anger while reaching out to take autumn out of papyrus's arms, which was paused when katie stepped in. " what are you doing?"  the brown haired girl questions' while looking the queen up and down suspiciously. " Taking her away, She doesn't belong with them" 

" You can't just take her like that! that's called statuary kidnaping!"  katie shouts now standing in a protective state, blocking the queen as much as she could, toriel huffs out in frustration, reaching over katie towards autumn. Now It was Edge's turn to step in front in a protective manner. " BACK OFF" autumn and the other children were starting to get upset, olivia, pulled on sans's jacket, tears rolling down her eyes as she sobbed out: Is autumn really leaving?" which made the skeleton panic a little. " no she's not leaving kiddo, we're just having a little disagreement right now is all" he looked over at toriel with a tight grin, making the mother stop in her tracks to glare at him a bit. " I told you if she get's in to ANY trouble at all, i would take her away!" she said slipping past  edge a little, katie let out an angry cry. " You Are Not Breaking This Family Apart!!" she then placed her hands on toriels chest, before anyone knew what had happened, there sat the queen of monster on the ground, starring up at katie with shocked eyes.  

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