Chapter 2

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Trigger warnings

Mentions of child neglect and emotional abuse
Racism towards monsters

Third pov

This was gonna be really awkward for blue and stretch to explain when they get home. Apparently this young girl lives in the same neighborhood as they do, just they aren't entirely sure which house is hers...


"Neighbor hood" she spoke pointing to a street, blue looked over to his brother who only shrugged before leaning back in his seat. Blue sighed deciding to to just head on home to figure out what to do from there. When the two of them pulled in to the drive way, they noticed a moving truck sitting outside in front of the house from across the street. The girl squeals happily before yanking her seatbelt off, she flipped the car door open before jumping out of the car and over on the their yard. At first they don't really know why she ran in to their yard, but when they got close to her they spotted edges cat doomfanger laying on his back. Some how ' allowing' this random girl to pet his belly.  The small child giggled as fang wiggled around under her hand, playfully batting at her with wide eyes. Blue and stretch smiled at the innocent scene, watching silently before red came out holding doomfangers food bowl. His usual annoyed glare painted on his face as he searched for the feline.

" come on ya little bastard! i aint got all day!" He shouts out before growling, stomping off the porch. Said feline rolled on to his belly to poker face stare at red, unamused by what red wanted from him at first, but once the feline saw red had food in his hands he took off towards him...with the young girl following behind, still laughing with glee with stretch and blue after. As red sat fangs bowl down, his eyes snapped up to the young girl who was crouching next to the cat petting him. Red was some what impressed, it had taken him and edge weeks ( more red than edge) to not be attacked by fang, how did one little girl Manage it in one day? Speaking of said child.

" hey uh....where're parents kid?"

The young child looked up at him with a blank stare for a moment.

" ...ya lost or somethin?"

Still a blank stare, after a few awkward pauses red stuffed his hands in to his pockets before huffing out in frustration. " look kid, I ain gonna ask ya again, where the hell are your parents? Ya selling girl scouts or what? why are ya in our yard?"  The small girls finger shot up and pointed across the street to the moving truck, there stood a tall female with long brown hair pulled back in a skinny ponytail, while a some what buff man with blonde hair struggled by with a box. And sitting in the yard across from their own was another kid, a boy. Looked a little bit of a brat with his sneering, maybe it wouldn't have bothered Red so much if the kid wasn't crossing his arms and putting his nose up in to the air. Blue and stretch finally made it up to the two of them after the young girl pointed across.

" GOOD AFTERNOON RED! HAVE YOU MEET THE PEOPLE ACROSS THE STREET YET?" Blue asked motioning back towards the van. Red shook his head while looking away, glaring down at his feet.

" why would I wanna do somethin as stupid like that? not like they gon like us anyway..."

" dont think too much on negative stuff there buddy, not everyone is out to get you"

" ya ya whatever carrot top..."

Red felt a tug at his sweater, when he looked down at the girl who was happily pointing over towards her ' family?' was that her family?

" what? they ya family or whatever?"

A nod was his answer.

" then what the hell are you doin over here for? Shouldn't you be with them?"  Red argues back while he  gestures over to the two adults and child. " OH! YOU LIVE RIGHT ACROSS FROM US! OH HOW LUCKY!" blue spoke excited like, he held a hand out to the girl, who happily took it, making their way over to the family. Stretch on the other hand stood next to red and watched as his brother carefully led the girl back home.

" so.." red began

" so?"

" whats up with the kid?"

" dunno...found her wandering around the store earlier...thought we'd try and take her back home, if we wouldn't have been able to do that then we probably would have contacted Tori and asgore." Stretch explained as he and red walked down the driveway. Reds face scrunched up in confusion and what looked to be a little bit of disgust. " why the hell were they by themselves in the first place? "

A shrug was all stretch could get out before a high pitched scream erupts through the air. Making the two of them rush over to the side of the van, where the parents and one child stood. The womans face bunched up in fear as she held her son close to her chest, shielding him while the father held a screwdriver out in front of him. Stretch was a little surprised that they hadn't snatched their daughter away from blues arms.

" Get Away From Us You Horrid Creature!!" The woman screeched, backing away, blue only shook his head and gestures to the small girl beside him. " Mister and Ma'am, I'm Sorry To Have Frighten You, But I Was Only Trying To Return Your Daughter To You, She Was At The Store, All On Her Own. My Family And I Live Right Across The Street!" He said pointing to the house across. " We Just Wanted To Make Sure She Got Home Safely" he explained holding on to the girls hand protectively as the man stepped forward with the screwdriver.

" We don't have a daughter, All We have is a Son"

This catches the girl off guard, tears began to fill up in her eyes as she gazed up at blue. ""

" We are not your family you disgusting child! UGE. Autumn would never stoop as low to associate herself with the likes of you!" The mother spoke glaring down at the child, almost in a way where she wanted to hurt the girl. " Always known I should have gotten rid of stupid girl"

' Autumn' as they called her, bursts in to soft sobs before pulling away from blue. Rushing past stretch and red in to the street, the three skeletons wouldn't have been so panicked, if weren't for the papyrus' red Corvette coming down the street, probably returning back from his job, either way while he was making his way down the road, autumn had ran right in the middle of it, making paps slam on to his breaks with a high pitched screech of his tires.Autumn closed her eyes, her sight completely dark and black as she waited.

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