Chapter 4

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Trigger warnings

Racism towards monsters

Slight emotional abuse

Third pov

Autumn stood out on the front porch that belonged to her new skeletal friends, watching as her former parents argue with blue, stretch and red. Screaming a whole bunch of unkind words to them all while being verbally abusive towards their daughter. Talking about how horrified  they are to find out their ' perfect' daughter associated herself with low creatures, while the two of them screamed and swak, they hadn't notice their little son walking past them and over to autumn, who had kept herself hidden behind sans.

" Good to see mama and papa are finally getting rid of you" his high pitched and bratty voice Snickers out, while doing so he reached out and pulled on to one of her pigtails, yanking it as hard as he could. When he went to pull her forward and off the porch sans quickly gripped on to his hand, eyelights disappearing completely. "bad move kid" he spoke before pulling him off the porch and back over to his parents, who just blew up and screamed even louder.

" How Dare You! Put Your Disgusting Hands On Our Perfect Little Angel!" Autumns mother screeched pulling her son out of sans hands, going off on him and his brothers completely while Autumn watched from the porch, her hands shaking by her chest as tears rushed down her cheeks, not really understanding on what was going on. Sure she was use to her family causing arguments with people, that was the big reason why they kept moving all over the place, once they found one place to stay, they had to move somewhere else due to her parents exploding on some poor neighbors. Not really wanting to continue watching the scene her parents have caused, autumn turned and ran back in to her new friends home, sitting by the stairs while holding her  hands to her ears as she sobbed out squeaks.

Why couldn't her parents be nicer to people? Why couldn't she have a better family, how come her parents neglect her so easily....why was her brother the favorite...what has he done to be the favorite. " WHY THE TEARS SMALL ONE" A familiar voice called out from beside her, lifting up her head she spots black standing in the entrance of the living room, his arms placed gently behind his back as he peered down at the child with some what soft eyes.

With a soft sniff and a quick wipe of her eyes, autumn pointed out the open front door at her yelling parents. They were still screaming out really horrible things to everyone, but that obviously didn't really seem to affect the others, as a matter of fact red and blue had finally grew tired of going back and forth, came back inside with tired sighs.

" geez those people dont give up do they? dam how entitled can you get.."

red growled shoving his hands in to his pockets, closing his eyes before taking a deep breath in and out, calming himself done before peering over to autumn. " sorry kiddo, but your parents are assholes" blue popped red in his side with a hiss.


Red only rolled his eyes before making his way past black, who stayed where he stood. " we wasted enough time on those people, lets just call the guard and be done with it already." Autumn tilts her head in confusion. The guard? What is that? Is that a slang word for police?

" THIS MATTER INVOLVED HUMANS, WHICH MEANS WE CALL THE POLICE, BUT HONESTLY I REALLY DON'T THINK THAT'S NECESSARILY THE BEST OPTION TO CHOSE RIGHT NOW" blue argued taking a few glances at autumn, red once more rolled his eyes before mumbling whatever as he disappeared in to the kitchen, blue shook his head disapproving like before he leaned down to autumns height, giving her a gentle smile before holding his hand out to her. " SORRY TO KEEP YOU WAITING SWEETIE, ARE YOU HUNGRY? WOULD YOU LIKE SOMETHING TO SNACK ON WHILE WE FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO?" He asked.

This time it was blacks turn to talk.

" WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON? WHY ARE WE FIGHTING WITH THE NEIGHBORS? WHAT'S GOING ON WITH PAPYRUS BEING WORRIED ABOUT A CHILD THAT'S NOT EVEN HIS? AND ALL ABOVE WHY IS SAID CHILD IN OUR HOME CRYING HER EYES OUT?" black ranted while crossing his arms over his chest, tapping his foot as he glared at blue intensely, blue only smiled before motioning him to follow the two of them in to the kitchen, with a scoff he obliged, following him and the tiny human in to the kitchen. Apparently a bit of a crowd had started to form, once the screaming had begun and them seeing their housemates out on the street trying to speak to said screaming neighbors, it's made them a little uneasy.

Autumn looked  curiously, watching these new skeletons either pace, ramble or bounce their legs impatiently while sitting at a dinning table. Red from earlier, had sat him self down next to a skeleton who sorta of resembled him but if he were an edgy stretch, speaking of edgy. A tall skeleton dressed in black and red, some what similar to blacks attire but if black wore red instead of purple. He was standing next to papyrus who has left autumns side when sans went to take her back home, the two of the were going back and forth on who should cook what, while a much taller and scary looking skeleton stood by over a pot of... whatever was in there.

Some other skeletons were sitting patiently at the table, red, the papyrus that looks like stretch but dressed how red does. One was dressed in dark purple clothing, a big oversized jacket and basketball shorts, his teeth looked sharp and one of his eyes was covered with an eye patch.  He looked really stressed out, leg bouncing up and down rapidly, irritated looks when a question was shot to him he seemed...worried. Another skeleton also looking like papyrus sat close to him, this papyrus also had sharp teeth but gold braces were glued too his mouth, a black sweater with ' coffee drip' written on the front, and from the looked of it he wore long, black sweat pants.  Sitting next to him was another other skeleton, but a much darker version of blueberry, his clothing matched blue to a tee, except for his blue color was much darker, a scar placed on his left socket, much like black and hot topic skeleton. He seemed a little too busy in to his book then to be paying attention to whatever was going on.

Autumn, growing curious, walked up to the edge of the table where the purple stretch skeleton and the stretch skeleton with the gold tooth sat. They both didn't really seem to notice her at first, till the patch skeleton glanced at her from his eye. He had to blink for a second or two before he awkwardly waved at her.

" uhhhh...hi?"

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